How some healthcare providers are not good at providing managed care



This video is from 1996, from an action taken by a Humana medical reviewer in 1987. Back then, many healthcare companies would call themselves Managed Care companies. Some out in the community often referred to these entities as “Mangled Care”. This video seems to explain why many within healthcare referred to some of these healthcare providers were referred to as mangled care.

One Response

  1. Idaho Medicaid may be transitioning to Managed Care soon. You know, to save. Not people, but money for the State. Which means the most vulnerable citizens will see their lives turned upside down. Some will lose their doctors after they’re deemed no longer in-network. Many others will see their treatment plans scrapped when it’s determined that they need to start back at square 1 so they can “prove” to the new sheriff’s in town that they tried and failed all of the “preferred” options or when the specific treatment they are on is frowned upon due to stigma. Numerous healthcare providers, disability advocates, and private citizens voiced their deep concerns about how this move will impact the most vulnerable patients on Medicaid, but it appears that State reps simply did not care. Even though they’ve been warned that it’s highly likely the move will not only cause chaos for Medicaid patients, but result in higher costs as opposed to savings. State reps response was very telling. They said the alternative was the former bill proposed a couple of weeks earlier, which almost certainly would have repealed the voter approved Medicaid expansion entirely. So do you want the Medicaid expansion or not? Because if you do, this is the only way you can keep it. So nice to see that state reps represent the interests of ALL of the citizens of Idaho, not just the state and taxpayers fhat they’ve turned against their neighbors by telling them that Medicaid recipients are primarily lazy deadbeats who should simply just get more/better paying jobs. No mention of those who are sick, elderly, or disabled because as far as they’re concerned, they belong in the same category as well. Idaho reps are not taking PROgressive action, they’re taking REgressive action. Apparently doomed to repeat an ugly period in history because they failed to learn from testimony just like this. Oh, joy.

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