78 internet searches and counting

As of writing this post 16:30 EDT.. my blog has had 78 internet searches that have pointed to my blog.. the vast majority 80%-90% have some common words like “NECC” … “AMERIDOSE”… a lot of people are searching if these entities made any flu shots, what drugs they made, what places bought from them. One could come to the conclusion that the general public is somewhere between nervous and paranoid about our healthcare system. I can’t understand that, it is estimated that our healthcare system only kills 200,000 people each year from medical mistakes… making healthcare the  second most lethal industry behind tobacco… alcohol products only kills some 140,000. Tobacco kills an estimated 400,000 -500,000 but then in the late 90’s the estimated number of killed by medical errors was 100,000… if we don’t make some changes… in another decade we could be a nose-to-nose race with tobacco…. as to who kills more people every year.

yesterday Caremark/CVS was doing web searches for “CVS BAD PRESS”… why in the world would Caremark/CVS think that they would find any “bad press” on them.. Aren’t they  such an upstanding, above board organization.  That recent little article in the LA TIMES  http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-lazarus-20121012,0,1032269.column#tugs_story_display  claiming that they are being investigated by Medicare  for their auto signing patients to their auto-fill process… and after they recently paid some 17 million in dollars in fines for some small issue with Medicaid fraud. Bad press.. every time I see where they paid a fine.. it was done with CVS “admitting no wrong doing” and paying the fine to save the “trouble & expense of litigation ”  So generous and compassionate of not tying up our legal system.

In fact Caremark/CVS apparently likes my blog so much.. they have been back 24 times… reading what I have to say… I am flattered !!

Just imagine how much media/press these contaminated injectable products would have gotten…if it did not have to compete with this silly Presidential Election mud slinging !

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