Rumor on the street 01/05/2015 -updated








*  Appears Walgreens announced their restructuring plan today in a conference call nationwide to all district managers.

Phase 1:
700 to 850 stores closed.  No relocation option.
Unemployment uncontested.Phase 2:
Cls gets irr and pulled from store.  Oversees 12 stores.
Store managers recoded as Store Leader Assistants.
Bonuses completely eliminated.
Pay reduced by 15% for all managers.
All pharmacies go 10 to 8 and one pharmacist per day based on volume.
Rxms recoded as pharmacy leader.  No bonus.  12% pay cut.
Pharmacy supervisor eliminated.  Option to take Rx leader in store. 
Pay adjusted.
Asm becomes sfl rank 1 next in line for store leader assistant.  Pay
reduced.  No bonus.

Phase 3:
District Consolidation.
Dms eliminated by 60%.
LP eliminated completely.
OPTs will function as HR field ops will assume roles of LP and RXS. 
Pay raise TBD.  Bonus TBD,
Rest of HR department eliminated.
1 OPT per CL based out of community – pay adjusted – no car, phone, etc.
MVP reduced.
Pharmacy director cut.

Phase 4:
Additional non profitable pharmacies close – front stores stay open.
Senior techs demoted to community techs – all must travel.
Pay roll in all stores reduced 15%.

No time frame was announced with it.

106 Responses

  1. Walgreens is expanding world wide. That is expensive and the most controllable expense in any organization is payroll.
    They started reconstructing their store management years ago and reducing bonuses. This is just the next step.

  2. I’m sick and tired of all those pain meds addicts in every single pharmacy blog, magazines, web page and newspapers. This post is not related to your drugs. Get out! And yeah I know you are an addict because you have nothing else to do but complain about not getting your drugs.

    • You have something against free speech?

      You shouldn’t, seeing as how you’re giving a free medical diagnosis over the internet. Diagnosing strangers with addiction — that’s a remarkable talent. Perhaps you shouldn’t give it away for free? I mean, most doctors charge for stuff like that. Of course, to be an addiction “specialist,” all you need is an MD. As a doctor, you can work in the rehabilitation industry one day, and then just decide to start treating addiction the next.

      I’m explaining this to you, as you’re obviously not a doctor. Now, go have some chocolate, you’re obviously stressed out.

      • Beautiful, Painkills2, I probably should have used that tact when responding to another rude, obviously lucky non-pain sufferer. What bothers me is these people really seem to be so oblivious as to the fact that there but for the Grace of God go them, if this guy got in a car accident or had severe back problems all of a sudden he’d be screaming for HIS pain meds. But since he isn’t there, he calls ALL of us drug addicts. And his logic that we must be drug addicts because we have the time to post here, well…1)HE posted here, and 2) most real “drug addicts”(the ones he’s putting us in with, street heroin users and the like) don’t even HAVE computers, they pawned them, for STRET drugs. This is the type of attitude we have to fight, and unfortunately it seems like all the people in the decision-making positions are just like these”you’re all drug addicts” posters. It’s an uphill climb, but thank you for always coming to our defense, with REAL information. Peace

        • Right at this moment, I am in an amazing amount of pain — but I can still appreciate how lucky I am not to be addicted to drugs like alcohol, opioids, or heroin. (At least not right now.)

          However, I am also aware of the fact that I do suffer from addiction — I fear I am addicted to pain relief. (For a pain patient, it’s kinda like being addicted to breathing.) I know what my desperation has done in the past to feed this addiction, and I cannot predict what the pain will make me do in the future.

          Perhaps this is why I have sympathy and empathy for heroin addicts — because pain is pain. We should all keep in mind that even the “experts” don’t know all the reasons that people suffer from pain.

          After trying so many different treatments, I have found that certain drugs help manage my pain. (They help, don’t cure.) Unfortunately, the DEA and the medical industry don’t seem to agree with me. But my pain is not political, so their opinions don’t really matter — to me or my pain.

          And peace to you.

          • I have said the same thing to many, I’m not addicted to the drug, I’m addicted to the pain relief!! And don’t get me wrong, I too have sympathy for some who are “street” drug addicted, I’ve known many. But I also know they had a choice, as it were, to never start doing those drugs in the first place. I, on the other hand, had NO choice when I destroyed my back at work in 1996. And maybe I shouldn’t have “compared” me to them as if I’m better than them, it was all in context to the &$%%#@ who was saying we’re all just loser drug addicts who post here because we don’t want them to take our drugs. But in my humble opinion there IS a difference between the straight up street drug user(who never had pain, just a need to escape reality), and us, I would have never taken one pain pill. and didn’t, before I got hurt. But after 6 surgeries, and over 40 hours on the operating table, I feel there’s no reason why A)I shouldn’t be able to get whatever my very competent pain Dr prescribes, and B) I should have to be subject to everything we’re talking about here. And I know exactly what you mean about your desperation to relieve your pain, I just disagree that “pain is pain”, their pain, for the MOST part, is from the choices they’ve made, I had NO choice in mine. I appreciate your opinion, and I revile your pain, and I hope that with what we’re trying to do you’ll never have to go through anything more than a trip to the DR to help your pain, and mine. But, unfortunately, the “street” drug users are a BIG reason why we’re here in this position in the first place, if so many people weren’t weak willed and stayed away from granny’s medicine cabinet we wouldn’t BE in this position, and nothing will change that part of my opinion. Peace to you, and to hell with your pain!!(and mine, and the rest of ours!!)

    • I will pray each and every night for you to develop the most excruciating painful disease known to mankind.and for good measure I pray that your mother gets it too!

      You must believe that pain is a figment of peoples imagination. You are a bloody moron.

  3. Any word on corporate lay-offs or firings or “re-structuring” as WAG likes to call it?

  4. Any new confirmed details?

  5. bravo rsd lady

  6. What about head photo specialist

  7. No way. Pessina may be many things, but one thing he is not is stupid. These moves would put walgreens out of business, at great cost to the major share holders (who everyone thinks are only in it for the $$$) and there is no way any company leader would do that. There is absolutely zero logical reason for it and make no mistake, Pessina didn’t make a fool of wasson and engineer the take-over of an iconic American fortune 100 cash-cow brand to turn around and flush it down the toilet.

    • Well, one recurring theme is that management does not know anything about the pharmacy business and there are the scorched earth people there (boot on the ground management consultants) and two other major factors….over capacity of stores when you add up the Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aids, WalMart, ect.. Add growth of mail order pharmacies and you have a recipe for bad for business deep to the bone reorganizations.

      I just have to speak up because this is related to my chosen career before I became disabled due to RSD. I’m a CPA and former controller in several different industries. I used to BE in those meetings where the restructuring plan was presented. Those consultants charge a lot of money for their grand plan and just because they may understand the retail industry they really don’t understand pharmacy plus retail. No one would come in the store if they didn’t have an Rx to fill. Think about the difference. WalMart can survive without their in store pharmacy. Walgreens can’t survive because retail goes poof without the pharmacy.

      Your top management by your own admission does not know Pharmacy 101. Of course they must deliver more and more profit to the share holders or the Board of Directors will replace current top management with a team that will.

      The consultants will be long gone when this brilliant plan starts to blow up. Walgreens is an iconic American brand. So was Sears. So was Woolworth.

      I’m not bitter like many pain patients toward pharmacists at Walgreens. I was made to suffer withdrawals and more pain than I can verbalize by pharmacists at all the big names because they would not fill my pain medication. I placed more blame on the DEA than anything.

      I’m blessed because I get the meds I need from a real old fashioned independent pharmacy who listened to me. Cared enough to take me as their patient. Treated me as a human being in pain. Pharmacy 101 folks.

      When I got RSD five years ago I was healthy as a horse. Now I have diabetes and other health problems that come along with RSD. I have a boatload of very profitable RXs each month.

      My question is why didn’t one pharmacist at CVS or Walgreens choose to do what my current pharmacy did for me? After all, the pharmacists keep making the point that the buck stops with them and its their choice to fill or not fill my pain medication. When I stood before them humbled by pain and sometimes pain and withdrawals because I was able to get meds somewhere during the pharmacy crawl of the prior month.
      My paper work with my dx of RSD and damaged nerves in my hand and tears running down my face. My favorite is the Walgreens across the street from me. The pharmacist did not have the balls to refuse me outright and just tell me she did not want to fill my RX. Instead she said her store did not carry that medication any more. Neighbors talk. My next door neighbor got his filled across the street at Walgreens for the exact same medication. I guess he looked sick? And nothing about my appearance says drug addict expect may be 46 years was too young to have RSD in their minds. I don’t know. (RSD is not age dependent.)

      There is growth in the pharmacy industry. In independent pharmacies that care for people and care about people in severe pain.

      Having to read snarky comments from pharmacists posting on here about addicts being mad because they can’t get their fix and on and on ad nauseam I must say I will not have as much empathy for pharmacists from Walgreens and CVS who end up with out a job as they did for me when I begged them to help me. Before I found my current pharmacy I was so close on may occasions to giving myself a massive insulin dose and never waking up because the pain was so bad. But I have a minor child that needs me and I just couldn’t do it. I kept fighting.

      Don’t get it twisted. Neurological pain is very hard to treat and opiates just take the pain down enough to be able to hang on for better treatments in the future or a cure.

      Pharmacy 101. Maybe the next person that comes to a Walgreens or CVS pharmacist hurting they will be treated better and have their RX filled. I hope its not too late to do a course correction for you. Given the advanced stage of the Walgreens restructuring plan it may be too late for them. Maybe CVS can take note.

    • He will flush the brand down the toilet or do irreparable harm to the brand while walking away with fat fat pockets. There are no scared cows. Cash or otherwise. Cash cows run dry at some point. And there is always someone there to milk it dry in the end. The business model has changed enormously in many businesses. Only outsiders can see the forest for the trees.

  8. More bull sh** for people to read… If they wanted to do this they’d just sell the company and slap the name CVS on the door… Smh…. People have no lives…

    • Can’t sell and slap any name on it. Over capacity in retail pharmacy…..
      Geesh. No basic understanding of business.

      • I had a horrible dream 2 days ago. 3 disgruntled employees entered the woodfield office shooting and killing district office personnel. They moved on to Deerfield killing dozens with hatches and machetes. Terrifying! Yet these days such thing are so possible.

  9. It is what it is… What bonus… We hard working people don’t get Bonus…

  10. WoW… is this for real.!!!!!!! !

  11. Fuckn awesome!

  12. Sounds about right. Saw this coming a mile away. Terrible company to work for. Brainwashed 20 year employees buying up stock for years, now left with no hope to move anywhere in the company. demotions, and closings. Taking jobs and money away from people that built the company and are now stuck there. Glad i left 10 years ago. Now I’ll spend holidays with my family snd not in a store making more money

  13. Bonuses are usually given as compensation in lieu of overtime when individual is salary. Does anyone really think store managers will work strictly 40 per week?

  14. Not a single truth in your RUMOR

  15. If opt’s remain untouched, then this is the biggest scam of the century. The HR department has grown to a monster that consumes a lot of payroll and what do they do; read a PowerPoint word for word.

  16. Walgreens has over built having 3 stores in 5 miles in my area. Next they refused and insulted me with my narcotics. So I will not spend a penny in the store. DEA had nothing to do with the lies I was told or their refusal to fill a legal prescription last year. I am sure that they may have decent staff somewhere that will be hurt but their discrimination caused them to lose money from me.

    • So many addicts on here this comical all the wag employees who read this already know what type of people are posting here don’t be mad cause you crackheads are denied fills from your shady doctors we don’t need or want you in our pharmacy we would rather tend to people who actually are sick our service level suffers from having to deal with you ass holes all day long the logistics of this post are unrealistic while some changes are inevitable
      This wouldn’t fly in America folks

      Per Steve: thanks for reading… how is the weather down there in Dunedin, FL with its THREE WALGREENS… I sure that all the snow birds just flock to your store looking to have their Rxs filled from their northern prescribers.. only to discover the “Florida pharmacy crawl”.. BE WELL !

      • Just wanted you to know there are you at Walgreens I hope you be well since you don’t help any people that are even sick with diabetes and other acute pain and broken bones you just deny their prescriptions I used to fill their with two surgeries you guys denied the last prescription transferred everything they are you guys called me and said why did you transfer all your medication and I said because you denied it and said that you wouldn’t fill it and he said oh that was the other pharmacist we want your business back transfer it all back and I said no you lost another customer and you said this s*** doesn’t flying America will guess what its flying like a 747 and it will never stop in a few think your little store on the corner is going to stop it good luck with that because those patients like myself and others that are in the severe chronic pain that require around the clock opioids to work and new and sleep and function in society if you think we’re not going to continue to get our medicine and get them filled you got another thing coming. So it is flying again sir like a 747 that over 1000 miles per hour we are always up in the air at a high altitude and sometimes we may go down couple hundred feet little bit a little bit below the clouds but we will always raise altitude so it flies sir. You keep denying patients walking in with legitimate pain meds they will go to another pharmacy and get them filled that’s okay don’t worry about it you guys made your money for the year in 2013 and 2014 when you said yes all day long and filled all these prescriptions and now you just don’t want to do anymore and that’s fine we’ve taken our business elsewhere.

      • It’s a good thing I am able to feel compassion and empathy, else I might think that all Walgreens employees have the same attitude as “Anonymous.”

        On the contrary, the people behind the pharmacy counter at my local Walgreens have always been very nice to me. Of course, I no longer take prescription drugs — just the drugs you can make meth out of — so I guess I’m no longer a drug addict, crackhead, or asshole. (Although opinions vary.) Now I’m considered a stoner because I advocate for medical cannabis.

        See, people that use name-calling to communicate either have an agenda or are terribly afraid… of something. (Although one can’t rule out plain ignorance.)

        So, Anonymous, what are you afraid of? My name is Johnna Stahl, what’s yours?

      • Man, you are a scumbag, I never do this, but I hope you get 1/2 of my pain, for one hour. That’s all it would take for you to go into the fetal position and cry till you passed out. Jerk…

      • Calling a chronic pain patient a drug addict is unfair, untrue and it’d abusive. And you call us crackheads???? I’ve never done illegal drugs in my life you asshat. I run a surgical practice and probably have far more education than you idiot. Wanna debate chronic pain..come and find me and let’s go. I will eat you alive!

  17. Republican/Conservative Scare Tactics rearing it’s ugly head again.

  18. Not buying this… Where’s the proof that this is not just speculation

  19. If it’s not true, then great. If it is true, then better to be prepared than sorry.

  20. You cant run a business this large without an HR or LP department. I call shenanigans.

    • I work for them and yes they can and do run without an HR dept. I’m in the speciality division …..

      • That is not true Lyn. There is a very large HR dept.

        • Again I work for the Specality Division and we have ONE HR rep and she does everything… We are operating under the Walgreens umbrella….also I had paperwork to turn in today and yes I called our rep , not a department ….

  21. Glad i have a HR degree because half of this posted is defiantly illegal. Changes are coming but Walgreens not this crazy to break human laws..

  22. This would be hilarious if it weren’t so reckless. You copied and pasted this from a forum that is not in any way credible. Hopefully, any Walgreen employees who happen to see your “Rumor” will see that is false. Yes, changes are coming, but not the armegedon described above.

    You should have be more responsible in what you decide to post on your site. I assume since you have this site, that you have some regard for the healthcare system and its employees. Your action in reposting these falsehoods here show your lack of integrity.

  23. So happy I don’t work there anymore!

  24. Keep drinking the Kool-aid… I am genuinely scared for my friends who have dedicated their LIVES for this company who is willing to push them out, with not a second thought! I hope and pray all this information is bogus!! #prayingthisiswrong

  25. I hope it is true. Treated poorly by their pharmacists after being a regular customer/patient for years!! Refused to fill scripts with no explanation. No change in my scripts or diagnosis. Uncalled for, unnecessary and the way it was handled extremely unprofessional. They pushed me to mail order which has been a breath of fresh air! I thank them for that! I also thank them for my ADA discrimination lawsuit! By the time pain patients are done litigating them they’ll have to be way more aggressive to save what’s left of this wrotten business!!!

  26. Sorry guys – its true! And, probably, just the beginning. Might make them even more profitable and at the expense of who? First phase is suppose to be done by end of January – early February. Walgreens announced it doesn’t take long for them to close down a nonprofitable store! As to a publicly traded company I guess that is why Walgreens is still looking at overseas operations to reduce taxes!

    • Sorry, you’re way off. Closing stores requires SEC filing. Seen one of those? Didn’t think so. Stop the BS

  27. Its all BS. This would be the most aggressive restructuring plan ever for a profitable publicly traded company. Not going to happen.

  28. 100 percent false. Couldn’t be more off the mark.

  29. Georgia – you are absolutely right. As long as pharmacist keep giving their all the corporate world is going to take care of them. This is all rubbish – who ever heard of corporations putting profits ahead of employees? Please – when the boom comes down – don’t expect others to stand up for you! You yourself said the corporate world doesn’t speak to the “plebes”. Which one are you and were does the American citizen stand in this? Meet at the unemployment line next month as we discuss the “plebes” as you describe them!

    • My rx’s and mvp both stated in a town hall mtg I the fall that no position above rxm and str mgr was safe. And our dm was already trying to figure out what other stores he was going to gain and the cl who is the store manager was already told that if the community didn’t reach green in all areas of the bonus they didn’t get a bonus. And thought they were going to pull them from the store position too…. Some of this does make sense….

  30. August 8, 2014

    Walgreens EVP Proposes Reorganization Following Alliance Boots Acquisition

    “…and bring focus to our cost reduction effort…”

    “…eliminates waste and simplifies workflow.”

  31. This is all very much a pile of unsubstantiated fear-mongering based on one of the guys over at the topix forum trying to rile people up. There are a number of reasons it can’t be true, foremost among them that it would mean the direct supervisor of people who work at store level is at the corporate office in Chicago, and we all know those people don’t associate with the plebes.

    • This is true! My sis in law was a hard worker, one of the higher up managers and they “eliminated ” her position. Told her she could be a shift leader, but that would be a substanil pay cut. She had to take a buy out. Not able to get unemployment. She was very close to retirement , and they pushed her out! She was very dedicated, and worked her butt off. This wad the first time in 20 years she did not work crazy holiday hours

    • No that is not what this article is implying. CLs will be taking out of the stores and given 12ish stores to directly supervise and have DM like authority. Districts will be merged and there will be a “head CL” like position. For example if your market has 15 districts it will now have 3 Areas with each area having a “head CL” then under him all CLs having 12ish stores. So there will remain a lot of superviison but less of it and in a different capacity. This I know to be fact due to someone being on referenced conference call. This however is all he shared with me, meaning anything else may be false, however if that much is 100% true and matches correctly with the stated information in the article it worries me that the rest may also be true.

  32. Wonder what will happen to the Speciality Pharmacy operations…..probably same if not worse 🙁

  33. Ha ha ha !! They deserve it! They really don’t care about patients. Their first HIT was when they lost the Tricare contract and now no military can fill at Walgreens, so they don’t use the store at all now either. That was the first mistake. Now since they aren’t caring properly for pain patients across the country.. and there is a whole lot of them! They are losing money from them because we refuse to spend a penny in those stores. So lost revenue there too.
    I would like to see them and CVS end up out of business. That Good Faith Policy they have is a boat load of BS! They have red flagged so many pain patients now from all their stores. This has to be an impact. I will say, that their pharmacists and techs are sick n tired of working at these places.

    • First of all, before you start making ridiculous comments why don’t you gather all the facts first before you make yourself self look like a fool, with your outlandish comments. Walgreens was established in 1901 and still wouldn’t remain the company it is today if we didn’t care about our patients. So first things first we highly care about the safety, welfare and well being of all our patients!

      • I think walgreens don’t care about their patients or there employees I was there for over 5 yrs to I go fired for something I didn’t say.

        • So true they dont care they did me wrong i was there for 7 years nd they way they did me was unacceptable they say they take care of rhere employees not true…my opion my experience thats all

      • Bull shit! I was called a drug addict by a walgreens pharmacy. I have psoriatic arthritis and a vascular necrosis in all my joints from prednisone use. They refused to fill my scripts because I am too young to have these problems they tell me.

        • They won’t fill my niece’s pain scripts because they said she has been on them too long and she has all kinds of problems with her back and she is in her early 30’s – Her doctor even made her sign a contract before he gave her the prescriptions

      • Jessica, I came on board in 2001 when the Walgreens family still had ownership- you are correct- nothing had changed at that time (remember Share Walgreens, generous profit sharing, staff dedicated to serving our customers. In 2007, the Walgreens family left the business and a management coup al la Greg Wasson took contol. Key employees eliminated, changes (all negative ) and WAG became the company everyone hates. After a hiatus in 2012 and subsequently discussing everything with my Attorney; he convinced me I was lucky to leave when I did. Former and current employees reinforced my suspicions that this had become a cult trying to extract as much as possible from the staff(victim) to benefit the Lord’s in Deerfield. I agree with you that much said is fabricated; but I understand their bitterness in receiving such a rotten deal.
        I do not know how Pessina will alter the workplace; but it appears Walgreens will remain an employee unfriendly environment for years to come. After several unkind conversations with a certain DM in Columbia East; I could NEVER approve of my granddaughters working there; although all 3 of them are too smart anyway. I meet many young aspiring pharmacists at “ASCP” and association meetings and I tell them this DM is a wicked crook and to RUN if approached by a WAG recruiter. Sorry, but it is what it is.

      • AMEN

      • You as a tech/pharmacist care. Walgreens as a company does not. If it cuts into the bottom line no matter how much it improves patient safety they will not do it. Walgreens is banking on use as employees to not kill patients and if we do they hope they will use legal loopholes to absolve themselves of all liability.

        • If you read your policy and procedure manual.. you will probably find that all employees agree to follow and not break any rules/laws… if you misfill a Rx and harm someone .. you have violated the practice act.. and thus you have also violated the company’s P&P and thus they have no financial liability.. since you did not follow their rules. If you don’t have your own professional liability insurance.. it will cost you a couple of hrs pay for a year’s coverage of a couple of million.. best money you will ever spend..

      • Jessica I was a patient at Walgreens for many years and no one cared about me at the time when I needed it most.

      • You are a flat out liar

      • That’s crap!!!!!!! Walgreens has the compassion of a wolves eating prey!! I hope Walgreens goes DOWN!!! LIARS, THEIVES AND MORONS.

    • That Good Faith Dispensing Policy was due to One entity called the DEA

      • Thank You !!!!! I hate when people blame a pharmacy for DEA’s rules and regulations. Anybody remember how many Millions WAG had to pay for believing the patients that would abuse CII scripts?

        • GFD is actually a gross over reaction to the DEA enforcing the law. Doctors and pharmacists were knowingly breaking the law and committing fraud against Medicare. GFD is simply the reaction to the fines imposed by the DEA by people who have never in their lives worked in a pharmacy setting

          • Well I have worked in a pharmacy setting, and your GFP is CRAP. The DEA didn’t tell you to write that policy dumbass. Otherwise ALL pharmacies would have to comply. You guys were drug singers with the pill mills in Florida and now you’re all scared because you got your ass sued off!!!

            I wouldn’t even allow my dog to use the bathroom on your floor, that’s how much I hate walgreens, and CVS is right behind you guys. No one should be refused necessary meds. My husband doesn’t commit fraud in any way so quit blaming all the doctors. Pharmacists have decided they went to medical school all of the sudden. Come debate a REAL doctor children, cause you’re clueless!!!!

    • FYI you can thank the DEA for that

    • That is a horrible thing to wish for. Do you not realize how many people would loose their jobs? Do you not care? How would you feel if you worked there?

    • Donna, That is absolutely true. You hit it right on the money.

    • To your Tricare comment…. it wasn’t Walgreens that couldn’t resign it was Express Scripts (Tricares PBM) that would not resign a contract with Walgreens. I can’t speak for all employees but I’ve been a technician for six years and we give out patients the utmost care.

      • You sound like you personally care for patients. I was head pharmacy tech for years. You fill pill bottles, answer phones and run a register. That isn’t patient care, it’s customer service. The pharmacist is doing patient care, but they are freaking CLUELESS what patient care is. You guys don’t actually see the patients and their distress. You just JUDGE, JUDGE and JUDGE somemore. I’ve read your GFP, not too many people can pass your test. You guys disgust me.

    • Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. Lay off the oxy/soma/xanax, your brain is fried.

      • Usually when I come across someone being rude or mean, I try to be diplomatic about it. But right now, I’m in a lot of pain, and I have nothing but aspirin and Russell Stover’s Easter candy to help manage it. So, I’m just gonna say it… you’re a dick.

        Lay off the cruel humor and attempts at sarcasm — your humanity is fried.

      • Chis, it is comments like that one you just made……

      • Well Dick Chris: I don’t take ANY of those meds, so my brain is probably far more advanced than yours. Idiot. I see many pharmacists being arrested for drug abuse lately though, so nice try. Pain patients don’t abuse, they SURVIVE. I wish chronic pain hits you or a loved on, so that you can eat your damn words.

  34. Wags started with some 24 hour locations going to regular hours…CVS has also started this.

  35. How long before CVS and Rite Aid follow and more unemployed pharmacist?

  36. Wow, is this for real !

  37. only the beginning

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