A brand new day in America

While I have not always agreed with our President Donald Trump. After college, I worked only 6-7 yrs as an employee.  I often “bucked the system” as an employee. Six years after college I decided to open my own community pharmacy, and before I retired years later, I had started a handful of businesses, not everyone was a success, but most were.

As being an entrepreneur myself, I have to respect President Trump for all his accomplishments both personally and for our country. Those people who have never own/ran a business. They have little/no idea of what is involved and the meaning contained by the saying “signing the front of a paycheck”.

Our country should be considered a business, and unfortunately most the people that we elected to run our country – at least during my lifetime – the majority seemed to be more interested in their own personal success and the POWER that they can wield.

I & “WE” can hope that President Trump can use his skills as a entrepreneur to lower our national debt, lower our tax rates and essentially put more MONEY in all our pockets.

Donald Trump comes to office as a “lame duck” because he can’t run for another term, so he doesn’t has to worry about getting re-elected and have to concede on his goals to cull political favor.

I heard on TV today that someone, some group is already filing lawsuits against a couple of President Trumps proposed programs. I am sure there will be more and others who are planting “landmines” that are designed to cause President Trump and our country to FAIL.

7 Responses

  1. Trump is not admired as a businessman—he robbed and cheated everyone who worked with/for him (did you not pay attention as he raped Atlantic City?). As a bonus (for dumb ugly fat guys who wanna be the boss of the little ladies who reject them) he’s an adjudicated rapist. There is no sunrise on America as long as he’s in charge. I’m not supporting the creepiest horror show on the planet, you however wholeheartedly joined his American Nazi Party. What happened to your wrong morality? Did you break it on your way down to Hell?

  2. You really should start a political blog and move this type of crap there. People seeking medical knowledge come here for that, and most of them have zero interest in your political views.
    You do manage to bring attention to certain issues regarding the state of medicine in this country, info that can’t always be found elsewhere. That is why I check in every few weeks. I am a legacy intractable pain patient, and do appreciate what you provide regarding everything that relates to my world.
    But if I want to read the latest political news, I know where to go. And it definitely ain’t here! (Running the largest government on earth is NOTHING like running a business! And trump? He’s just in it for the grift. Drink the koolaid if you want, but it would be great if you could piss it out on some other site.)
    I don’t expect you to publish this. But I dare you to!

    • I am sorry that you – and many others – see no relationship between politicians/bureaucrats and how chronic pain pts and their ability is affected if and how well chronic pain pts receive treatment. President Trump’s older Brother died early because of his alcoholism and Trump himself is a “teetotaler” because of that. If Pam Bondi gets confirmed as Fed AG, you should go to my blog and type BONDI in the search bar and see all she did in Florida while she was AG in FL for 8 yrs in the early 2010s, regarding the availability of opioids to treat chronic pain. Gov DeSantis has appointed the current AG of Florida Ashley Moody – who is married to a DEA agent. To assume Marco Rubio’s Senate seat and Rubio got confirmed yesterday by our Senate 99-0 vote. I am also aware of a Federal Senator who apparently is a chronic pain pt, but the prescriber allows them to come to the prescriber’s office at 4AM-5PM to “pee in a cup”. Apparently, this Senator doesn’t want to be known to be a chronic pain pt who is apparently receiving appropriate pain management. I am sorry that you and many other chronic pain pts see no relationship between politics and their pain management, but after all it was Pres “tricky Dick” Nixon that started the war on drugs because of his known racism & bigotry.

  3. Do you really believe that Donald J. Trump isn’t interested in having as much POWER as possible???

  4. Agree. 95% of people have no idea what is going on and misdirect their anger brought on by widespread corruption to the wrong source. People are blind. I, however, am not. I also reached out to a few attorneys regarding the corruption taking place with adhd medications presently. The brand Adderall was bought by a Japanese company – Takeda – which is essentially owned by Blackrock and now magically the medication and its generics not only no longer work, but are making people sick. Coincidence? I think we know the answer. This country has been calcified with corruption and it’s seeped its way into everything we touch. I am tired. I demand answers and accountability. Godspeed, God Bless, and Cheers to a (hopefully) new day.

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