A covert “GENOCIDE” using our healthcare system

Genocide is the intent to systematically eliminate a racial, ethnic, religious, cultural or national group. Well-known examples of genocide include the Armenian Genocide, the Holocaust, the 1971 Bangladesh Genocide, the Cambodian Genocide, and more recently the Rwandan Genocide and the Bosnian Genocide.


This post may be viewed by some as politically incorrect… I don’t care… This post will be stating facts and stats… if you get OFFENDED… then you can stop reading… you can leave comments agreeing or disagreeing… I DON’T CARE…

The war on drugs has taken a definite turn to a war on pts and the healthcare professionals that care for those pts.

We have moved from 2000 and the Joint Commission declaring that decade as the “decade of pain” and declared that pain was the FIFTH VITAL SIGN and pt’s pain should be properly managed. As the decade closed, there was seemingly a quantum shift from adequately treating pain to a denial of pain care.

The bureaucrats in Congress over several decades have siphoned off the “trust funds” of social security, Medicare and Medicare disability funds, filling those trust funds with IOU’s. It is estimated that in 2016 the Medicare disability fund will have a negative 20% cash flow going forward.

Over the last seven years our country has amassed more additional debt than we had accumulated since our country was founded 200 + years ago. It was reported today that in 2015 the Feds collected (inflation adjusted) the most revenue EVER.. and yet we spent almost ONE-HALF TRILLION more than we took in.

It has been stated that we could confiscate all the assets from all the millionaires and billionaires in the country and it would only pay about 10% of the unfunded entitlements that Congress has promised to those citizens in our country.

It is estimated that in 2030, as the oldest baby boomer reaches their anticipated life expectancy (83) the social security fund will go into a negative cash flow status at the same time the “X” generation will be reaching full retirement age.

Here is quote from today …

Michael Botticelli

Deputy Director at Office of National Drug Control Policy

who has a BS in Psychology claims to have the medical expertise to make the following quote:

“we really have to focus on reducing the magnitude of the prescription drug use issue.”

It would appear that it is no longer a matter of dealing with people who have a addictive  personality disorder.. but.. reducing all opiate usage by anyone and everyone …. if they have a legit medical need or not.

Tomorrow Oregon is one more state that will limit the amount of opiates that a prescriber can write for.. no consideration for a pt that is a fast/ultra fast metabolizer .. no consideration for the severity/intensity of a pt’s pain.

We all know that “the system” is “play games” with the numbers of deaths and the reasons for those deaths.  We also know that the cutting of chronic pain pt’s opiates doses and flat out denial of care is causing pts to commit suicide, and they deaths are being labeled as “opiate related death”

Let’s admit it … our country has a huge financial problem and those individuals who are on Medicare, Medicare disability or Medicaid could be considered an expendable and unnecessary financial liability.

Could there be a covert agenda to “thin the herd” via genocide of denial of care with the intent to encourage suicide by those who are a huge financial liability on the country?

And Medicare is encouraging prescribers to counsel pts on end of life issues… since it is stated that 80% of a person’s lifetime medical expenses is in the last couple of years of life… as well as we have more states passing “right to die” laws.

‘End-of-life counseling’: Death panels are back

 Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel  the architect of Obamacare… suggests that we should all “die off at 75” so that we are no longer a liability to the society…the prominent bioethicist Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel argues that longevity — living into your 80s, 90s and beyond — often comes at the expense of quality of life. Emanuel says he will be perfectly content if he dies at age 75.

You stop contributing to society at 75 ?

Most genocides in the world’s history have been OVERT… this could be the first COVERT one.. using the healthcare system as the conduit ?

10 Responses

  1. If they think they can count on me being a timid little lamb in the heard, then they have another thing coming. I am and will be a fighter till the day that they nail the lid shut! I’m so F¥€£ing tired of these bureaucratic A$$ HOLES thinking that they can control why and how I live my life. The American constitution was set up in a way that if the government is no longer speaking and acting for the people, the people can take their government back in a peaceful manner. We are a club that’s a 100 million strong and we have rights. Obviously we can no longer depend on our represtation in Congress and the House to relay our message to the masses, so that burden now falls on us. If every single one of us quit writing our congressmen and representatives and start flooding the news media with those letters instead, just maybe we could get results. Even if only half of us did this, that’s still 50 million letters and that would turn some heads. So stop feeling like you’ve been beaten down and you’re cowering in a corner, reach down deep and use that courage that I know is there. I know it’s there because everyone of us use it every day when we open our eyes and force ourselves from the bed. Use this courage to start fighting back. If there is one thing that a politician fears the most, that one thing is negative press. Let’s beat them at their own game.

    • “members in the 45- to 54-year-old age group are dying at an immoderate rate…….There has also been a major racial gap in longevity—5.3 years between white and black men and 3.8 years between white and black women—though, hardly noticed, it has been narrowing for the last two decades. Only whites, however, are now dying off in unexpectedly large numbers in middle age, their excess deaths accounted for by suicide, alcoholism, and drug (usually opiate) addiction…..
      There are some practical reasons why whites are likely to be more efficient than blacks at killing themselves. For one thing, they are more likely to be gun-owners, and white men favor gunshots as a means of suicide. For another, doctors, undoubtedly acting in part on stereotypes of non-whites as drug addicts, are more likely to prescribe powerful opiate painkillers to whites than to people of color.


    • “members in the 45- to 54-year-old age group are dying at an immoderate rate…There has also been a major racial gap in longevity—5.3 years between white and black men and 3.8 years between white and black women—though, hardly noticed, it has been narrowing for the last two decades. Only whites, however, are now dying off in unexpectedly large numbers in middle age, their excess deaths accounted for by suicide, alcoholism, and drug (usually opiate) addiction….For another, doctors, undoubtedly acting in part on stereotypes of non-whites as drug addicts, are more likely to prescribe powerful opiate painkillers to whites than to people of color. ”


  2. I guess some people look at the country’s financial condition and try to compare it to how we try to manage our own personal finances. I wish I understood the financial industry better than I do, but I know that politicians have been playing Chicken Little with our Social Security and Medicare since these programs began. These fear tactics obviously work, but that’s all they are — political tactics. I’ve learned a lot about the systems of Social Security and Medicare — enough to know political rhetoric when I hear it. But if you scare old people into fighting for the wrong things, you distract them long enough to screw them. Works every time.

    I’ve learned that not only our country’s financial system, but the whole world’s, revolves around debt. Around interest rates and financial documents and contracts. I don’t pretend to understand the world’s financial system, but America is one of the powerhouses of this system, at least for now. If you think it’s a good idea for America to be number one in the financial debt system that is capitalism, then I would probably disagree with you. But since I don’t know enough about this subject to have a certain opinion, I can’t put up a better argument than this.

    I can’t go inside the heads of politicians to find out why they make certain decisions or laws, but I would say it also has to do with fear. For those psychopaths who think about “thinning the herd” etc., there’s nothing that will change their minds, anyway.

  3. It’s already here,,when they decided to cut off and back on our Meds they knew some of us would end it via Suicide or in anyway possible to escape the unbearable pain..I don’t doubt that it’s crossed many of our minds at one time or another..

  4. Scary, but worth looking at seriously! Chronic pain affects 100 million people in the US- Wouldn’t it relieve the SS trust funds to eliminate some of the 100 million? Again, scary and not democracy!

  5. Have have had these thoughts also

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