A interesting conundrum

Labs, doctors scrutinized over lucrative drug tests for pain-pill abuse


The DEA/CDC and other bureaucratic agencies have created “guidelines” and everyone is treating these guidelines as “the law”. Now the DOJ – which the DEA is part of – is going after what is consider too frequent urine testing on chronic pain pts.. or other abusive lab testing on these pts. Medicare is changing its billing allowables over the next two years because of the actions of the DEA/CDC and the response from the medical community in doing urine testing. All of this is direct/indirect collateral damage of Congress’ “warped” mindset in 1914 when they passed the Harrison Narcotic Act which created the “black drug market” that we have been fighting every since.

Doctors frequently order patients to take urine drug tests to safeguard against prescription pain-pill abuse.

But federal investigators and Medicare say these routine tests — designed to ensure patients properly use opioid drugs — have led to questionable billing practices by some for-profit labs, doctors, and addiction-treatment centers.

Millennium Health, the nation’s largest lab and one that has conducted widespread testing in Arizona, agreed to pay $256 million to the federal government in October to settle claims that it conducted unnecessary testing.

The U.S. Department of Justice is cracking down on private labs that investigators say offer incentives to doctors to frequently refer patients for lucrative testing. And Medicare, citing the potential for billing abuses, is overhauling its billing codes and payment rates used for drug tests.

Consumers who have been hit with large bills for routine tests say that the cost can quickly become unaffordable.

Phoenix resident Eric Smith visited a local pain clinic in June for treatment of pain from a degenerative disc in his back. The doctor approved a 30-day prescription for Percocet  but also required Smith to submit a urine sample each month he sought a refill.

Weeks later, Smith received an itemized bill for a urine test that listed five separate charges for a total charge of $660. He decided monthly tests and other fees such as co-payments and prescription-drug charges would quickly become too expensive.

“This is something I’m dealing with long term,” Smith said. “For those of us with real pain who have to pay for these tests because of the few who abuse (prescription painkillers), it does not seem fair.”

Some tests can be even more expensive. A 75-year-old Fountain Hills man visited the same practice, Arizona Pain Specialists, which has seven clinics in Arizona. He had a urine test that checked for 10 substances, including illegal drugs such as methamphetamine, cocaine and phencyclidine, more commonly known as angel dust. The man was billed separately for each substance for a total bill of $1,048. His insurance plan paid $412.

Doctors who prescribe pain pills frequently say they must order screening tests to comply with medical guidelines.

Arizona Medical Board guidelines encourage doctors to conduct regular urine drug tests on patients who take prescription pain pills. The screens are designed to make sure patients take the prescribed drugs, don’t resell the drugs and don’t mix prescriptions with illegal street drugs. Frequent testing also is a hallmark of addiction-treatment centers, which also have been scrutinized by federal investigators and private insurers.

The medical board has suspended or revoked licenses of doctors who it determined prescribed opioids without proper oversight.

That oversight, according to the medical board’s guidelines, should include “regular toxicologic testing for drugs of abuse.” The guidelines don’t specify which drugs of abuse doctors should test, or how often tests should occur.

Too much testing a concern

Labs and clinics in Arizona and other states use sophisticated tests that measure multiple substances and charge for each individual substance tested, providing more revenue than basic screening tests. Too much testing has long been a concern of Medicare due to potential overbilling, a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services spokesman said.

That’s one reason Medicare, the federal health program for the disabled and those 65 and older, is overhauling the way it pays for these tests. Beginning in January 2016, labs and doctors must limit Medicare charges to two categories of billing codes. And in January 2017, Medicare will change payment rates for drug testing.

A Medicare official said the changes aim to remove the incentive for too much testing that has little or no medical benefit.

Medicare wants to reduce the frequent use of confirmation tests by labs that charge for follow-up tests when initial tests show no sign of an illegal substance. Medicare says that some confirmation tests are not medically necessary and inflate charges for taxpayers who support Medicare.

Private health insurers also are scrutinizing and changing payment policies for urine screens ordered or performed by pain doctors, addiction-treatment centers and labs.

“The lab industry has done a lot of over-testing,” said Jennifer Bolen, a former assistant U.S. Attorney in Knoxville, Tenn., who consults on proper opioid screening. “Some of it was encouraged by a lack of sound boundaries (through guidelines). Some of it was pure greed.”

Doctors say they follow guidelines

Doctors who treat patients for chronic pain say they must adhere to state and federal guidelines on how to safely prescribe pain pills. They say they also must keep patients safe from the ravages of pain-pill addiction.

Overdose deaths from opioid prescriptions surged fourfold nationally from 1999 through 2010. Arizona had the fifth-highest opioid prescription rates in the nation in 2010 and was sixth highest in drug overdose deaths.

Arizona has since made small strides in reducing the death rate from drug overdoses. A total of 1,211 Arizonans died from drug overdoses in 2014, a slight drop from 2013. Thirteen states had a higher overdose rate than Arizona in 2014, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The CDC recently drafted guidelines that recommended urine testing for pain patients. Arizona doctors who treat chronic-pain patients say state and federal guidelines are instructive.

“Right now, urine testing is really not an option. It is (a) standard of care,” said Patrick Hogan, an anesthesiologist who runs a Glendale pain clinic. “If you are failing to test and you have a patient who has a complication, there is a high likelihood that you would face some disciplinary action from regulatory agencies.”

Doctors who frequently order drug tests for patients will need to navigate Medicare’s new billing requirements.

Medicare billing records show that Hogan ordered the most urine drug screens of any Arizona doctor in 2013. He billed Medicare for 1,943 tests on 368 patients — an average of 5.3 drug screens per patient that year, Medicare records show.

Hogan said that he does not know of any guidelines that limit how often a doctor should order a drug test for a patient. Some larger doctor groups may have their own testing frequency requirements. Hogan said he does not want limits on how often doctors can test.

“How often do you test somebody? I don’t know that there are clear guidelines that exist for something like that,” Hogan said. “I would hate to see something that would usurp provider judgment on that.”

Lisa Sparks, an addiction-medicine doctor and medical director of the Arizona Pain Institute in Glendale, said she decides how often each patient should be tested based on their circumstances. However, Sparks believes routine testing makes “patients realize they can’t cheat the system very easily” by misusing or selling their prescribed drugs.

She often orders panels that tests for multiple substances for patients who are on pain medications, but those tests vary based on the patient. For example, she said she does not test patients for the illegal street drug angel dust because it’s so rarely found in the community.

“We try to avoid overbilling and (limit panels) to do the tests that really need to be done,” said Sparks, who billed Medicare for 741 drug screens on 232 patient in 2013, Medicare records show.

Doctors in other states have been more prolific in billing for these tests. For example, one Connecticut doctor charged Medicare for an average of 198 tests per patient in 2013, Medicare billing records show.

Labs face closer scrutiny 

Labs that market tests in Arizona and elsewhere have been subject to enforcement actions and legal settlements.

Millennium Health, a San Diego-based laboratory, in October agreed to pay the federal government $256 million to settle claims that it billed Medicare for improper testing.

The U.S. Department of Justice said that Millennium billed Medicare and Medicaid for unnecessary urine and genetic tests over a seven-year period through May 2015. The company gave doctors free testing cups in exchange for patient referrals, resulting in unnecessary and lucrative testing, federal investigators said.

Millennium Health, previously known as Millennium Laboratory, was the subject of multiple civil lawsuits — including one in Arizona — that alleged billing improprieties. One Arizona-based regional sales manager alleged that sales representatives routinely offered medical practices free urine-testing cups to encourage doctors to order tests.

The lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Arizona alleged Millennium gave gifts such as Starbucks gift cards to doctors offices “to both retain existing business and assist in generating additional business.” At the time of the 2012 lawsuit, Millennium denied offering such inducements. The case was dismissed in April with no award to the sales manager.

Millennium officials said the company decided to settle the Justice Department’s multiyear investigation. The company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in November.

“While Millennium may debate some of the merits of the DOJ’s allegations, we respect the government’s role in health care oversight and enforcement,” Millennium CEO Brock Hardaway said in a statement about the settlement. “At the end of the day, it was time to bring closure to an investigation that began nearly four years ago.”

Millennium isn’t the only lab that has caught the attention of investigators and health insurers.

In July, Cigna exited the Affordable Care Act individual marketplace in Florida for 2016 due to an “exponential increase in fraudulent and abusive care delivery practices” among substance-abuse clinics and labs, a Cigna spokesman said.

Cigna also sued Sky Toxicology and two related labs and alleged a “lucrative and improper patient-referral kickback scheme” that connected health clinics with out-of-network labs that resulted in $20 million in excess payments.

3 Responses

  1. Usurp provider judgement by placing restrictions on how often they can UA? What about ‘usurping’ provider judgement on if a patient needs pain medications to begin with? I guess as long as the decision favors what they want, its okay to undermine the doctors. My doctor knows I benefit from medication therapy. She wants to help me, but state law dictates that she hand off what I get and when to pain management that doesn’t actually manage pain. What a crock!!

  2. Dear Steve,
    I have returned many ADHD & OPIATE “SUBSTITUTED FOR”, [medications] ? beginning for the first time in my life with The

    Shortages, Health Care REFORM= OBAMACARE.

    I have had pharmacists tell me “You can’t return this” without even knowing me. I have tested positive for 3 heavy metals, I have regular migraines, edema, dizziness, and a host of serious and life damaging effects purely as a result of the FDA, approved, experimental, misrepresented and non-standardized mystery-meds; [whose main concern involve REGULATION, especially for those of us who have chronic illness, are poor, and “measured” as to who is believed to be worthy enough to heal. The politics beginning with the secrete and contradictory information surrounding ” Lyme Disease” opened my to the power, lies, propaganda,and corruption involving the CDC, FDA, DEA and other authorities up the chain of command. The latest news from epidemiologist, Dr. Daniel Cammeron is that Lyme Disease and the host of co-infections like: Lupus, MS, Lou Garrigs, Parkingsons, Alzstimers, Fibromayasia, low hormone D25-Hydroxy, Malaria-like symptoms, brain tumors,…..is PENDEMIC not endemic. Insurance doesn’t cover most treatment, and most don’t get a “Bullseye” rash-which can disappear in an hour. The once $1500 test is pathetically inaccurate, and only the wealthy can afford to be treated in a comprehensive and timely manner, as once it breaks the blood-brain barrier, the odds of recovery are dim-for most. Forgive my spelling errors as I don’t have the energy to pick-up a dictionary. We are in a global Pendemic. I personally believe that the demand for opiate pain relief is either undiagnosed Lyme & Co-infections, and/or lots of propaganda promoting the ADDICTION theory.

    The Holocaust exterminations, camps, trains, pipelines, began with The [DEFECTS}= Disabled, not the Jews first, then the Gays, Jews, and others deemed genetically defective.

    Several years ago at my neurologist appointment, my pain medication was “Held Hostage” until I peed in many cups, all lined-up outside the receptionist office window. When I asked why It was so important as to with-hold my monthly medication I was told the government had given Stimulus money to collect DNA.

    I told you that it is a fact here in N.Y. that Generic, “Substituted For”medication” can legally be up to 40 % LESS of the ACTIVE ingredient. Without telling the public Very few people are aware of this and if they wonder why their pain wasn’t alleviated and took another, THEY would be accused of ABUSING their pain medication.

    For anyone this rings true for, I strongly encourage you to ask your PHARMACIST, NURSE, DOCTOR, as the “UP TO 40% LESS OF THE ACTIVE INGREDIENT IN SUBSTITUTED FOR AND GENERIC IS A FACT IN N.Y. But not all in the field knows this but it is a fact.

    Steve, please tell me how it is legal that outside the drug manufacturer, it’s “AGAINST THE LAW” FOR ANYONE, INCLUDING ANOTHER PHARMA ENTITY OR OVERSEER TO ANALYZE THIS GARBAGE ? I was told by my pharmacist that here in N.Y. pharmacists don’t have to have THE ORANGE BOOK ? I need to read one. MY pain meds, or whatever they are – are harming me and I feel I have a right to know what is being ingested into my system. I am becoming more disabled depressed, destroyed everyday.

    I am looking into HOSPICE as this is no life, opportunity, future…..
    Even my e-mails have disappeared, and I’ve been threatened.

  3. Drug screen UA’s. Another exercise in overreaching Statist, bureaucratic masturbation. They use these UA’s when one is suspected of a crime that might involve prohibited or controlled substances or if one is sentenced to treatment or monitoring as a condition of parole or probation. Legitimate chronic pain patients have to submit to it too, in order to be treated adequately for their pain, just like any other criminal in our society. Yes, I said it. I just called chronic pain patients criminals. Now I don’t believe that for a moment, but it’s the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about. Just because they are being treated with high dose opioids, they are treated as though they have committed a crime. Guilty until proven…well just guilty so long as opioids are part of the treatment for their pain. Well it’s perfectly acceptable and reasonable because it’s a matter of public safety”, you say. No, it’s not. It’s a violation of one’s rights and dignity. If a chronic pain patient isn’t being a problem or acting suspiciously, then why test?. If one shows the hallmarks of not dealing responsibly with their medications, then maybe. The truth is that they are treated presumptively…as a criminal who has not yet been arrested. “Well, diabetics get tested everyday with their glucometers and a couple of times a year for their a1C, so chronic pain patients need to be tested too”. Again, I’m calling b*llsh*t. It’s not the same. These drug screens have nothing to do with the efficacy of the medications and the stability of one’s chronic pain. They are used for passing moral judgments on another. The diabetic’s tests are about clinical endpoints. Apple and oranges. I could go on all day long. My point is that this is just another government overreach that is part and parcel of the failed public policy called the War on Drugs. Prohibition does not work. We know that from the failed prohibition on alcohol. This policy needs to end and it needs to end now. It won’t end unless, We as a People, collectively revoke our consent to be ruled this way and just say, “NO!”

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