4 Responses

  1. I live with this on and off as my husband is bipolar. Fall is a terrible time for him, almost daily depression, I thank god for NAMI, an organization trying to remove the stigma of all mental illness and provides family support. I strongly recommend this organization for any family member who has someone suffering from mental illness. They provide a course about mental illness for families. So helpful for me to get thru those tough times watch for those signs of a ‘break’ etc.

  2. (I think other comment did not post, error)

    The video was to the point and very true about the results of depression.

    But the other side to consider is that most depressed people think that they are a burden to the world and to their family especially. “Why do I bring things down? Why can’t I be more present? I make them walk on eggshells as they worry how I am doing.” So sometimes a depressed person *has* considered their family and they think they may relieve a burden by being gone.

    So, the family can and should feel angry, and they can also imagine that he was trying to help them. He probably was, misguidedly.

  3. The video was true and very to the point about the result of depression and suicide on a family.

    But do not forget, please, that most people who suffer from depression and who consider suicide *have* considered their families, and have thought that this will actually help their family. The suicidally depressed person very likely considers him- or herself a burden to the world and particularly to their loved ones. His or her death will be a freeing them from the burden of caring for him or her.

  4. If any other illness caused this much lost productivity, pain, and suffering we would be having public service announcements, regular screenings, and fund raising activities for research and treatment centers. The suicide rate for those suffering from depression may be as high as 15%. Depression can be a life-threatening illness. Why isn’t the medical community declaring war on this disease?

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