ACLU: illegal immigrants have CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS ?

Just wanted to make sure you saw this: The Greyhound bus company is allowing Border Patrol agents to board its buses and search passengers without a warrant. It’s a gross violation of passengers’ constitutional rights – and we need your help to stop it.

Add your name so we can show Greyhound we’re standing up for immigrants’ rights. When Greyhound sees our petition, they’ll know we’re not going to back down.

This is urgent – there are so many lives on the line because of this latest development in Trump’s racist, anti-immigrant agenda. With your help, we can make sure Greyhound stays out of this xenophobic, fear-mongering practice.

Thanks for speaking up with us,


Hi Steve –

Imagine taking your regular bus to work or school. The bus pulls over and Border Patrol agents get on board. Row by row, they scan passengers for anybody deemed “suspicious” due to the color of their skin, accent, or the way they dress. You think you’re just taking the bus home, like any other day – but you end up arrested, detained, and in worst cases, deported.

That horror story has increasingly become a reality on Greyhound buses throughout the country, because the company allows Border Patrol agents to board its buses and arrest passengers without a warrant.

Sign this petition telling Greyhound to stop throwing its passengers’ rights under the bus.

Not only is Border Patrol’s practice cruel, but it’s not even legal. The Fourth Amendment prohibits government agents from entering private property without consent or a warrant, and it protects everyone on U.S. soil – regardless of citizenship – from being detained or searched without cause. By law, Greyhound is fully capable of saying NO to Border Patrol. So why aren’t they?

Add your name to tell Greyhound to stop allowing Border Patrol agents to violate the constitutional rights of paying customers.

We know what this is really about. This is all part of the Trump administration’s shameful and hateful agenda to intimidate and expel immigrants from this country. It’s completely contrary to the founding principles of this country, which not only value immigrants and what they add to our communities, but also clearly delineate personal rights and freedoms. Like the right to take your daily commute without having to prove your citizenship or fear arrest and deportation.

We’re not going to stand for this racist policy. Sign this petition and tell Greyhound to treat its customers fairly and with dignity.

Thanks for fighting back,

Jennie Pasquarella
Director of Immigrants’ Rights for the ACLU of California

5 Responses

  1. I read stories in my local paper almost daily of large amounts of herion coming across the border from Mexico. Thankfully these are caught.
    Stop making criminals sound innocent. If these ill- legal immigrants who take these buses to work in our counrty would take the path to legal citizenship they would not have to worry about being lumped in with the criminals who flood our nation with drugs. I say Do your job Border Patrol!

    • Greyhound’s has an address I found on their site.I am sending them a thank you note for allowing this action.

  2. Where is the ACLU helping chronic pain people whos rights are being violated 1000 times a day. Get a life. Move to Honduras if you want to help people. I can’t believe you had the gall to put that on this site. Start helping us we might help you.

  3. Let me get this straight,,,were literally dying,,being tortured to death by complete violation of our constitutoinal rights,,government breaking every law in the book,,practicing medicine w/out a license,,and the aclu is more concerned about immigrant,,Yea the ACLU IS BOUGHT AND PAID FOR BY SOMEONE’S!!!!!maryw

  4. If your not in our country illegally you should have nothing to worry about. God bless greyhound.

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