ACLU is ready to protect illegal aliens… but how many chronic painers have contacted them and got NOWHERE ?



Hi Steve –

Since the day President Trump came into office, California has been at the forefront of the fight against his racist, anti-immigrant policies. Now Jeff Sessions’ Justice Department is suing California for daring to stand against ICE brutality. Californians know that the strength of their state owes much to its large immigrant population – and they won’t let a bigoted administration tear apart the fabric of their communities.

It’s time to put ICE back on its leash. Add your name to the petition to tell Homeland Security to rein in ICE’s lawlessness. The agency’s invasive, hateful objectives are the antithesis of the constitutional principles of this country.

California’s laws limit the ability of local law enforcement to cooperate with ICE, increase oversight of ICE detention facilities located in California, and prohibit workplace raids without a warrant. In other words, these are measures to protect immigrants from ICE’s invasive, fear-mongering objectives.

Sessions and Trump are also threatening to withhold federal funding from states and cities with laws that limit local cooperation with Trump’s deportation force, and they’re even hinting at criminal charges for politicians who support laws that push back against ICE.

This is yet another outrageous move by the Trump administration. They’ve given ICE free rein to wreak havoc on immigrant communities throughout the country, and we’ve got to stop them. Sign this petition telling the Homeland Security Department that it’s time to put ICE in check.

The good news is that we have so many people on our side as we fight against Trump’s policies of unprecedented bigotry. We need you to make your voice loud and clear: Put ICE back on its leash. Protect immigrants now.

With ICE, Trump and Sessions want to ramp up hate and division – but we won’t let them.

Thanks for your support,

Lorella Praeli
ACLU Director of Immigration Policy and Campaigns

How many chronic painers have approached the ACLU about the brutality of the DEA and violation/discrimination of the Americans and Disability Act and Civil Rights Act… and got a “not interested” from them ?

From this email… it would appear that the ACLU has a ENTIRE SECTION just to deal with illegal immigration…

4 Responses

  1. So Illegals are supported, but not citizens? This makes so much sense in this upside down country I now live in. Where is our support?

  2. Steve,
    The ICE Mistreatment and Abuse of Immigrants and Dreamers, is getting attention in the Mainstream Media so the ACLU has jumped on the bandwagon. The major problem we have as Chronic Pain Sufferers who take Opioids to manage our pain is that the only press we get is negative with the So Called “Opioid Epidemic”. Until the MSM can separate Opioid Addiction from Medically Managed Opioid Treatment, we will continue to be ignored by the ACLU.

    The Anderson Cooper, AC360 Town hall with Sanjay Gupta delt us a devastating hand to the Chronic Pain Community, and we never received a retraction from Cooper or Gupta for this False and Misleading Town Hall. Chris Hays has also done a couple segments on the Opioid Epidemic in West Virginia, which also only tells a one sided story. Although, Hays actually brought up the illicit Fentanyl that’s Ordered on the Dark Web and delivered through the U.S. Postal Service.

    I honestly believe that we’ve been fighting this War on the Wrong Front. We need to make the Media tell the whole story by raising our voices to them & showing them the Abuses we Endure daily. We have to call Foul when they state all Opioid use is Bad. I honestly believe that once we get our side of the story out to the public, the ACLU will start to look at us as the Targets of Abuse that we truly are.

    • Totally agree!! We must all tell our stories to the media and get the “other side” out for ALL to know, I’ve been say I g this for over a year now.
      Now is the time! We are running out of time.

      Don’t forget to attend and inform everyone of the “Pain Rally” happening nationwide on April 7th, at most state capitals.

      • We need to have a letter writing campaign directed towards media personalities like Chris Hays, Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper. Tens of thousands of letters telling our story on how they’ve made our lives more difficult with their 1 sided reporting.
        I don’t know how everyone else feels, but every single time I see a report about the Opioid Epidemic, I get pissed.
        I know how you feel about saying something for a year and getting very little reaction from our pain community. For 5 years now I’ve been saying we need to get the Media involved but I became discouraged about 2 years ago when very few chronic painers joined in. But it’s time to revive efforts and prove to the Media & Government that we do exist & so does our pain.

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