Administration’s expert on the ACA called the public “TOO STUPID”

Jonathan Gruber: ObamaCare architect’s elitist contempt for ordinary Americans

From the article:

In the annals of elitist contempt for ordinary Americans, the remarks of an ObamaCare architect stand out. Jonathan Gruber of MIT, who helped shape the complex law, admitted the opaqueness was intentional.

“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” he told a 2013 conference that had remained secret until now. “Call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically, that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”


2 Responses

  1. “The American’s with Disabilities Act” (and the detractors and ignorance therin.) Hindsight is 20/20 they say. The right and the insurance industry absolutely are in a bad way as this ADA process is written. The public is ignorant when it comes to the ramifications od the tyranny this unjust law brings about. Imagine being required to spend upwards of $ 250,000.00 for wheelchair access. Well OK, small businesses can’t shell out that kind of cost. But, when the lady with 2nd and 3rd degree burns gets punitive damages for ridiculing the woman, ( for mere medical payment, ) the Atty’s will gladly take 50% of the award. The lawyer’s class action take of gigantic awards is truely the real tragedy of this law. Others do take full advantage of the loopholes in the laws regarding the ADA laws. But until the disabled are considered 1st class citizens, the debacles will con’t unabated.

  2. RE:In regard to the interview with the “Man who killed Osama Binladin”
    To me at least, this type of thing smacks of self serving implied heroism that must be considered both a violation of Nat’l Security and USING his position to derive monetary profit whilst doing his job. I’m sure he will try to take full merit for his role in the “OPERATION” . In my opinion, (for what it’s worth), The entire team should get a thumbs up. One person taking more credit than the whole Seal Team is both unprofessional and it probably puts a target on certain team members religated to this task. I do not imagine he mentioned the women or others that were merely bystanders getting, excuse the expression, “Made into Swiss cheese”, being in the way. My country right or wrong is the saying. The SS claimed the same thing. I never as a policeman or whatever would like to be noted for (even in the line of duty) taking a life/lives. Perhaps in 1963 Jack Ruby should have been praised for the summary execution of JFK. Of course, that was then, this is a different time and circumstance. Singularity in credit CANNOT BE DERIVED from a team effort no matter who actually got the kill. The outcome of this horrendous terrorism of the World Trade Center tragedy I suppose in some minds makes taking credit for one’s sworn outh of allegiance by this makes it somehow credulous. I find it a bad presidence and highly offensive to the whole sense of consciousness of the entire matter. It bring no closure to me.

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