AG Sessions wants to enforce all laws ?

Jeff Sessions issues tougher criminal charging policy

  At about 5 minutes into the piece Chris Stirewalt asks “what is the biggest drug problem in the USA ?”

Chris Stirewalt   Opiates… if course…. with two attorneys on this panel and well indoctrinated person from the media… what do you expect ?  The 550,000 deaths from the TWO DRUGS … ALCOHOL & NICOTINE… are justifiable preventable deaths ?

Is it time for those in chronic pain community to start filing violations of the Americans with Disability Act, Civil Rights Act for refusal/denial of care IN MASS ?  To see how serious that our new AG is about enforcing ALL THE LAWS ?

Is it time to file complaints against the Boards of Pharmacy… in the Controlled Substance Act 1970 there is a phrase “corresponding responsibility” which the DEA has interpreted that a Pharmacist can be held responsible for a controlled substance in the hand of a person that doesn’t have a valid medical necessity.  The DEA does not have any authority to hold a Pharmacist responsible for not getting a controlled substance into the hand of someone who has a valid medical necessity and a valid prescription.

The Boards of Pharmacy (BOP) primary charge is to protect the public’s health/well being… so it would seem only appropriate that the BOP’s would be responsible to protect the public’s health/well being by take as much action against a Pharmacist that gets the wrong drug in the wrong hand as failing to make sure that the right dose gets into the right hand.

Here is a link to all the BOP’s websites… where complaints can be filed

If only a few people file complaints/grievances … they will probably be dismissed as some “addict” upset because they couldn’t get their next fix …  LARGE NUMBERS TALK

Who believes that all the FED/STATE legislators passed laws… believing that they would not be enforced by those within the bureaucracy responsible for doing so ?




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