Alcohol death rate in US is rising, government reports say

Alcohol death rate in US is rising, government reports say

A CDC report found the rate of related deaths rose by 26% in the first year of the pandemic

Deaths that can be directly attributed to alcohol rose nearly 30% in the U.S. during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Two new reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed which states are seeing the highest numbers and which groups are impacted. The agency already said such deaths rose in 2020 and 2021.

According to the World Health Organization, the harmful use of alcohol is a causal factor in more than 200 disease and injury conditions, with 3 million resulting deaths annually.


Bottles of Jim Beam brand bourbon whiskey for sale at the James B. Beam distillery in Clermont, Kentucky, US, on Tuesday, July 26, 2022.  (Photographer: Luke Sharrett/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

The rate of those deaths had been increasing by 7% or less each year, but rose 26% in 2020 – the highest rate in at least 40 years.

There were more than 52,000 such deaths last year. That number rose from 39,000 in 2019, for both men and women. The deaths are 2.5 times more common in men.

In this Nov. 30, 2017 photo, a patron sips his drink while having a meal at a bar in New Jersey. ((AP Photo/Julio Cortez, File))


The rate also remained higher for people ages 55 to 64, but also jumped 42% among women ages 35 to 44.

A second report looked at a wider range of deaths that could be linked to alcohol, including cancers and motor vehicle accidents.

Corona Extra beer arranged in the Brooklyn Borough of New York, U.S., on Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2021.  (Photographer: Gabby Jones/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Researchers said more than 140,000 of that broader category of deaths occur annually, based on data from 2015 to 2019. That is more than 380 deaths each day.

About 82,000 are from drinking too much over a long period of time and 58,000 are from causes tied to acute intoxication.


The study found that as many as 1 in 8 deaths among U.S. adults ages 20 to 64 were alcohol-related deaths.

New Mexico had the highest percentage of alcohol-related deaths, at 22%.

Mississippi had the lowest.

2 Responses

  1. Again,,proof that thee FORCED involvement of a rogue psychiatrist DRUNK on power into our federal government,then allowing this psychiatrist to make POLICED public policies,,the share DAMAGE to society as a whole from this group of psychiatst is obvious.All death are up.All suicides have skyrockets,directly after kolodny guidelines.Up
    6,000 more the doirect year after policed implemantation of tos guideline,,WE ALLLLLL TOLD THEM,,TIME AND TIME AGAIN,,,SUICIDES ARE GONNA SKYROCKET,,AND THEY DID!!!!Now alcohol consumption has skyrocket as well..For me showing the wisdom from a group of people over 200 years ago,,who wrote,,”Evils are sufferable,for mankind is design to suffer..however when a group of people FORCE evil suffering upon a set group of people,envoking absolute despotism upon that goup,simple because they can do it and make $$$$,,,,people will turn to other ways,alchohol etc,,to lessen their forced suffering,,Our generation must never forget,the age when a group of cruel shrinks,ie ,”stakeholders,” destroyed American medicine and thee American system of ,”good will” onto all,,and the ,”why” we are dead last in healthcare now a days,,,Oh
    btw,,2 people we know are being prescribed suboxone
    for alcoholism,,gee no surprise there,,jmo,,maryww,

  2. Not surprised that alcohol related deaths and even accidents are/have increased. When the CDC published the “guideline”, I believe most people would rather stay “legal” and use alcohol more or even start using alcohol in the attempt to manage “chronic pain” rather than try to find, pay for and trust illicit substances. Pain specialists can overlook alcohol abuse and still prescribe but, if you use illicit, dangerous substances in the attempt to manage lifetime, intractable pain then you are dismissed from further “treatment”! Covid is NOT the only cause for the rise of use of alcohol but, if one is not dealing with pain management and lack of, then it is NOT surprisinng alcohol uise may have turned into alcohol A..buse! My thoughts only.

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