All your troubles starts at the ballot box

Your choice is irrevocable in 31 states

The Florida laws governing recall pertain to certain elected local officials, as determined by Florida Statute Annotated §100.361. Not all elected local officials are eligible for recall in Florida. Those eligible must have been elected to a governing body of a municipality or chartered county.[1] Twenty of Florida’s 67 counties are charter counties.[2]

Florida recall law does not pertain to elected state officials, such as the governor, nor elected federal officials, such as the state’s congressional delegates. Compared to Florida:

  • Nineteen states, or 38% of all states, allow for the recall of elected state officials.
  • FourteenThirty-four states, or 68% of all states, allow for the recall of elected local officials. This includes Florida. states, or 28% of all states, do not provide for recall of any elected officials.

Everything that we – as citizens of the USA – have to deal with is directly/indirectly a result of who is elected at the ballot box

The STATES initially set up the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT… now it would seem that the FEDS have decided that they are the ones in charge.  Congress sets up rules for everyone and then EXEMPTS themselves from the same rules and or makes different/better rules for themselves.

The US President, nominates the head of DOJ, members of Supreme Court, EPA….and on and on… while the Senate has to confirm the nomination(s)  most get confirmed…

State Governor appts members to the likes of Board of Pharmacies.. the State Attorney General gets to decide which major laws or violators of laws get enforced.

In Congress, if you are not part of the majority party and have some seniority… you are basically at the end of the food chain.. you can try to submit a bill… it may not get heard by any committee nor brought to the floor for a vote..

With Congress having approval ratings in the SINGLE DIGITS.. isn’t it time that a group that has a common interest for a viable third party…or.. organize around an existing third party – like the libertarian party that wants smaller, less intrusive government.

Unless you attempt to influence the bureaucratic system, it will dominate your life. Influence usually can be approached with a budget as little as a 100 million dollars or 100 million votes.

dogsledIf you individually believe that only one political party is the right one for you… then you will be like a member of a dog sled team.. unless you are the lead dog… the view never changes…

Since there is only about 30,000 households in the US with a net worth of at least 100 million…  most people can have more influence in attempting to organize like minds into a voting pool for a single candidate or party


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