3 Responses

  1. Heart breaking. So sorry.
    The gun pointed at medical doctors heads by the DOJ/AG is real and enormous. They will not prescribe under any circumstances. Those that are still prescribing simply have not seen this gun pointed near them yet, …or are very brave.
    Some of these face patient requests for safe and effective pain control well, for example they might say they are ‘sorry’, and some completely panic, do not know what to say or do, are aware of the injustice, and are harsh. But in every case they will NOT prescribe for any reason.
    It seems odd but doctors of medicine have almost nothing to do with this attack. The motive is the money that can be gained by a few, starting with some in the DOJ/AG, for ‘suing’ pharmaceutical manufacturing. God help us.

    • the prescribers can actually protect themselves from the DEA… before the DEA vultures start circling.. if they put all their assets into a irrevocable trust – they legally make themselves penniless – and there is little/nothing that the DEA can use the Civil Asset Forfeiture act against… confiscating all the prescriber’s assets… that is what they are really after… here is a “help wanted ad” from a few years back by the DEA https://www.pharmaciststeve.com/forfeiture-financial-specialist-supporting-the-dea/ If anyone notices, the vast majority of prescribers that are taken out is 50 + y/o and has no student loans, house payments and a nice retirement nest egg… A BUNCH OF ASSETS… that the DEA can confiscate and put in their coffers and spend on whatever they want… our entire legal system is using this law… just do a web search on “civil asset forfeiture” to see all the that is going on …involving tens of billions confiscated every year

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