Another chronic painer/advocate that wants to help


Let me take this time to introduce myself and give a little background of who I am and what I believe. First, my name is Sarah Yerxa. I am a pain patient and advocate. I have been an advocate for different reasons for most of my life. I’m an event planner, a researcher and am good at proof reading(I had good English teachers).  I was a very active Jaycee until I aged out; holding every office except state president. Last move was I started a new chapter from scratch. The highest award received was the national award for speak-up-write-up. The crisis around us is affecting not only patients but doctors, families, caregivers and more. We all need to get the real facts out and share our knowledge with whomever will listen. So let me know if I can help you and I will try my best. I will not be afraid to share my ideas and thoughts. I want to thank Linda Cheek for allowing me to assist with sharing our thoughts and experiences to make life a better one for all. Oh and no need to dumb down medical terms. Again, I’m here for you and hope we will make a great team.

2 Responses

  1. What are those of us who lost their medication and doctors and need them back to function to do right now?

  2. Thank you .

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