Another day… another email from a chronic painer being “tortured” ?

I am at a loss. We live in  Colorado  and doctors refuse pain medication to so many, my husband being one.

My husband has a neck fusion (3 vertebrae), 3 knee surgeries, ankle surgery, tears to L5 and S1( which they say he is too young to have surgery for). He has done Radio frequency ablation to kill nerves in his back. Numerous injections, that do not help!!! He is young and has a physically demanding job. His pain is debilitating, but he wants to live a full life and provide for his family. It is tearing our marriage apart!!!!! He is so angry and ugly because of his pain. Trips to Mexico are expensive and taking its toll. We have tried everything natural and holistic and…therapy,  and…. Is the next step is heroin, and they wonder why there are so many overdoses.

What can we do? Do doctors get more funding from the government if they refuse pain meds? Are you real? Can you help?  I am so very desperate to save my family!!!!

10 Responses

  1. LesPaul;;; the demonization of our medicine is exactly what they did to marijuana,,,soo if we don’t stop it,,,it will end up just like pot,,,once legal and now completely demonized and the doctors who try to help us,,Dr.Ibsen was rite,,,they want opiates gone,,,,maryw

  2. @Jane Doe…there are strains of Cannabis Indica that I’ve heard about that are allegedly very good pain medicine. I’m in the same profession as Steve and I’m trying to learn as much as I can about this plant (and others, like Kratom), in terms of a professional discipline, because if all the State is going to do is take away pain meds and not provide a reliable alternative, then we have to try and discover alternatives on our own.

    Unfortunately as Cannabis has been demonized for so long, there are few good research papers to guide one. The dispensary operators are the actual SMEs when it comes to this particular moiety. Some are more educated than others. Might I suggest that you start calling or emailing the dispensaries and see what they suggest. It beats your current situation of the dogpaddle until one goes under.

  3. Anyone who is in Colorado please go to my FB page: Chronic pain Co We need to join together and with other main pages nationwide conduct a campaign to stop this. Also, please contact me there about how to help each other in Colorado.

  4. Being in Colorado . . . your husband should try marijuana! It’s legal there even for recreational use and studies are proving more and more how effective it is for chronic pain. This is way better than heroin. With heroin, you never know what’s in it (like that synthetic Fentanyl that is killing people) and plus, he probably would have no idea what dose to take and then he might od. OR, run into trouble with the seller and the exchange. It’s a dangerous business. I live in TN and its illegal here . . . not even use for medicinal doses. Well, that’s not entirely true but its too crazy and too long of a story to tell. If I could get marijuana easily, I would get off the RX meds. I’m sick of the bull crap! All the peeing in cups and counting pills. Treating me like a drug addict. SICK OF IT!!!! I would use mj in a heartbeat!

    • im in Colorado. Pain like this is not relieved via MJ. Its great for neaseau but when the neasua is from life threatening pain Opiods are the only treatment that works. And there are very few real pain clinics here that will even prescribe it . ERs there abuse and throw us out , primaries FIRE you if you are incapacitated and need any referrals. They have NO idea where to refer and when informed no pain clinics even prescribe pain meds or the ones that do call you crazy you are left with no care. Im personally having to fly my disabled daughter with CPS to CA EVERY month just to get her fentanyl patches since her CA primary cannot prescribe Class 2 opiods to an out of state pharmacy. If only MJ could solve the problem. She smoked it heavily for her RA for 10 years. Doesn’t help. We are looking at leaving the country and my husband and 2 sons in order to save her life. This is literally a national tragedy and frankly the medical field has committed war crimes at this point. Its a violation of International law to refuse Opiod /pain treatment . ITs classified as torture.

      • Jane Doe,,,,u r 100%%%%%% correct,,,for those are thee exact words the U.N wrote to me 7 month ago,,,that denial of thee effective medicine of a opiate for severe physical pain,,is legally,,torture,thus a violation of international crime and every country on this earth,,,mary

  5. U know 1 thing these idiots do not understand,,,,and REFUSE,,,TO see,,,for their blinded by arrogant and bigotry,,,THESE R MEDICINES TO US,,,not drugs,,,,and as a CPP,, this physical pain is in our bodies..We r stuck w/these bodies,,and only loose them thru death,,,these are facts these arrogant sob never want to see,,,sooo more shall die,,in torture,,,maryw

  6. Plant some special flowers,,,but that will take 90 days,,,,,mw

    • Yep, in April.

      • yea I hear the color purple visually will stop all physical pain according to the new cdc research,lol,wtf,,,,,,,,it would be funny if we literally weren’t dying,,,,,,,,,,in agony,,,,when the system fails us,,create your own system,,,,ie,,”When any government Evinces by Design,to reduce its citizen to absolute DESPOTISM,, it is our RITE,,, our duty ,,,to alter or abolish it,and find new guards for our well being,,” appropriately,,Thomas Jefferson,,

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