Another pharma putting out opiates with questionable efficacy ?

Steve, last year I noticed no pain relief after taking my hydrocodone 7.5  that I had been on since 2007. So I called my Pharmacist and she said tolerance build up. So I told my doctor and he increased to 10 mg. Still no relief. So, I started rummaging around in my drawers and found some that I had managed to squirrel away for emergencies, tornado, etc. At least a couple 10 years old, couple 9 years old and I took one, and had relief in 15 minutes!  Could walk without pain, my back is affecting my walking now. I am in such shock over this, are manufacturers doing deliberately or is someone stealing opiods that works for manufacturer? I asked a friend who I used to work with at assisted living in town if patients there complaining of no pain relief  She said yes they are! Same drugstore delivers most there. The company is LUPIN. 

     Should I find a lab that does comparative analysis to prove it and if so, do you know of one?  I know Pharmacist probably uses what she thinks is best cost, profit wise so really need proof for her??
     And my mser 15mg doesn’t seem to be as effective either but do get some relief and it’s by another maker so I’m really just so upset by this that I dont know what to do! But I’m tired of not being able to cook now, do things I used to do because of pain .    Any advice much appreciated,  will not mention your name. Thank you for all you do for everyone!  Good people like you are rare now!! 
Barb has already had a non-efficacy experience with a C-II produced by Rhodes pharmaceutical     which according to their website is part of Purdue Pharma  which is now in or a finalized bankruptcy.
Now according to this pt, we apparently need to add to this list another pharma producing – distributing a product lacking efficacy Lupin Pharma and depending on which website that comes up… is either showing them as a USA based pharma or Leading global pharmaceutical company in India – Lupin Pts and pharmacists can do what they want but my list of pharmas that I would not accept for us just got a little bigger

2 Responses

  1. My pain medication was from Lupin (my pharmacy changed brands after complaints). I noticed the same thing- the relief was just terrible. The worst thing, though, were the unexpected side effects. I’ve been on my pain medication for YEARS, and it’s NEVER made me so sick that I was unable to function. This medication from Lupin did. I tried a different brand, no problems. Since India has such longstanding problems with sanitation, contaminated rivers, etc, I can’t see how they can keep what they produce from their factories “pure”. It can’t be possible, considering how sanitation is almost non- existent in most of India.
    Unfortunately, I think at this point, we need to take what we can get. There aren’t an unlimited amount of pharmaceutical companies manufacturing prescription opioids anymore. If the meds come from India, then maybe we need to take an antibiotic with our pain medication!!! (Just kidding, of course!!).
    Steve, thank you for your blog. I appreciate the time you take to keep us up-to-date on everything that’s happening in the world.

  2. My God, could they really be this stupid??? They are even cutting their own throats. I wonder how fast the morphine ran out in Mayfield for all the major lacerations and broken bones suffered by the survivors, now with the supply so low?

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