Another point of view about MT’s medical licensing board travesty

Dear Friends of Mark Ibsen,


I am truly saddened over the deplorable situations in Montana and Washington. Dr. Ibsen was a most caring, competent physician. If the government didn’t approve of his practice, they could have gotten him special training and supervision. We simply can’t take care of worthy, suffering patients only with interventionalists, rehabbers, and mental counselling. We need medical doctors like Dr. Ibsen. I have long advocated that we need a certification system for family physicians and internists who will do medical pain management. These physicians need to be known to government and all other concerned parties.   To decimate a good man and doctor like Dr. Ibsen is simply wrong. It’s also wrong for states like Montana and Washington to deprive ill, suffering intractable pain patients of treatment so they will die of cardiac-adrenal failure.   The wrongness is now forcing patients to come to California for humanitarian, competent help. Pain patients and their families should know that the problem of under-treatment could be resolved within months if willing doctors could be certified and trained to do medical pain management.   The rush to have “guidelines” is pretty much a farce and designed to protect the financial interests of certain physicians, hospitals, and other interests who don’t do chronic pain medical management.

With Deep Sympathies and Prayers for My Friend, Mark Ibsen,

Forest Tennant M.D., Dr. P.H.
Contact Information:

Forest Tennant M.D., Dr. P.H.
Veract Intractable Pain Clinic
338 S. Glendora Ave.
West Covina, CA 91790-3043
Clinic Ph: 626-919-0064
Clinic Fax: 626-919-0065
Office Ph: 626-919-7476
Office Fax: 626-919-7497


4 Responses

  1. Doug you nailed it. Groups like fed up and prop think they are saving the country from the scourge of drug addiction , but when I was 1st told that I would be on medications for my back because of the degenerative nature , it was explained to me then that I would become dependent on these medications the same way I was told if I stop taking my heart medications I could be in severe risk of dying I am also dependent on those medications ..
    Do none of these people understand the simple difference between dependency and addiction .
    When these people try to regulate and set up standard dosage for patients it’s like they don’t even understand the basic concept of metabolism in the human body .
    They have taken all humanism out of the equation .
    As more Doctors are threatened and stop treating pain patients in a area , all of their patients funnel down to the remaining Doctors that have greater love and compassion for their patients than fear of these agencies , the more and more Doctors we see being forced from their practices as Dr Mark Ibsen was in Montana.
    Forcing chronic pain patients to become refugees , But I hope they remember there are 100 million chronic pain patients in this country and if just a percentage of us can band together we will make a difference and we will remember what they have put us through when it’s time for us to vote !

  2. Doesn’t PROP operate in Washington state? If so, then it makes total sense why they pursued Dr Ibsen. My thoughts & prayers are with him and his patients

  3. This is awful. I have an md who specializes in Pain Management. Of course they prescribe more medications than other doctors–but they try everything else available as well.

  4. What is the true crime here?
    Is it poor record keeping due to the ignorance of a faulty system, or the countless people who will now suffer because a true physician is no longer allowed to help them?
    What’s next, giving speeding tickets to emergency vehicles in route to the hospital?
    This government needs to take a step back and take a look at how many people they are driving to the illegal street drugs. The new danger is that suffering people are going to start self medicating on what ever they can get ahold of on the streets. The truth is that a huge majority of chronic pain sufferers will start self diagnosing, self prescribing and dying in huge numbers because they aren’t supervised by a licensed physician.
    It’s a Damn shame that I can’t even call it my government or our government anymore because it’s no longer by the people and for the people. This governments politicians and bureaucrats have all become greedy and self serving to the point of actually killing its poor and its sick. Not a one of these bureaucrats are thinking about the people and their needs, all they are thinking about is how they can collect a paycheck while hurting us. They are all a bunch of bullies pulling our wings off just to maintain control right before they squash us under their boots.

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