Another prescriber INDUCED SUICIDE

My dad was a chronically I’ll patient. He was 75 and underwent multiple back surgery’s and nerve decompression along w recently broken hip and spine. He fought like hell to live but his family doctor told him due to the FDA guidelines his pain meds had to be controlled by a pain doctor. After months of waiting to get into a pain doctor he was able to get his medicine but the following visit his doctor cut him down to a 1/4 of his dosage, he was not cut down slowly. My dad suffered, he went back to see doctor the following week and doctor was only interested in giving pain shots which don’t work for my dad due to scar tissue. Doctor refused to up my dad’s pain meds even tho he told them he was suffering.
5 days after that visit my dad committed suiside. I blame the doctor as well as whoever decided to play God and not allow proper dosages of pain meds to chronically sick people.

One Response

  1. I’m so sorry for your loss, and the needless suffering that your dad went through… I know exactly what it’s like, since I’m in the same situation. After fourteen back surgeries and about six pounds of titanium holding my spine together, I’m taking minimal pain meds, am that’s “allowed.” Injections don’t work, because of scar tissue and I even tried a spinal cord stimulator that just made things worse.
    I think about ending my life every day, but I don’t want to hurt my friends and family, and I don’t know if I even have the courage to do it.
    Again, my deepest sympathy for your loss…

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