Another SUN RISE and my INBOX starts filling up – tip of the iceberg ?

Hello,  I live in West Virginia I am in treatment for opiate addiction I used to get pain meds but it got to the point were pharmacies starting acting like gods and stopped filling them.So know I chose to just give it up and searched out a doctor to treat me.Now I am on suboxone I have been on it for a while using the same pharmacy I have used for a long time until they decided to stop dispensing it without notifying me or anything.So I started looking for another pharmacy I knew it was bad but never this bad I called every pharmacy that was in the phone book and every pharmacy Google pulled up in the state of West Virginia.I have never been so disgusted with the way I was talked to and treated.Heres some of the things i was told.1 we don’t take new patents.When I asked when did the become doctors they would hang up or tell me not to call back.2 they would say we don’t fill that medication when I asked could they order it for me some would scream We Don’t Have It then they would hang up on me.3 the other thing I was told is that my meds couldn’t be filled because I didn’t live in that county not the state the county when I would tell them I called every pharmacy in my county and none would accept me I was told that this wasn’t there problem.I am very angry at this and I do not know why or how these so called pharmacist have been getting away with treating people like I was treated because pharmacists are supposed to provide a service and information not act like a bunch of discriminating ass holes.I am currently talking to a lawyer if there is anything you could do to help me and others in this state who are being treated like shit because this has gotten way out of control if you would like to call me to hear my story or want more details email me back I would like this story put out there maybe something would actually get changed thank you.

6 Responses

  1. Have you heard of Kratom. Is a deciduous tree in south east Asia the leaves are dried and then ground into a powder. It is not a prescription. It is not a narcotic. It is in the coffee Bean family. For me it has replaced 10 prescriptions. Including dilauded and fentanyl. Well I was on all that medication I was still in so much pain and bedridden. I used a walker and a wheelchair. That was for eight years. Since I have been taking Kratom The quality of my life has improved so much and I have been able to get the pain down 75%. I no longer use a walker or wheelchair, in fact a bike several miles a day except in the winter months where I walk a couple miles today. I have information about it on my Facebook wall that is strictly informational and most of it is from scientist that are very reputable. I do not sell it. I last eight years of my life and my children growing up. I just want to try and keep somebody else from having to face that too.

    • Please feel free to send me a private message if you would like some more information.

    • There are so many versions of Kratom …..?…. It can get quite confusing

      • I thought that Kratom was a horse tranquilizer? And it’s also addictive.

        • There is no clinical proof that Kratom is addictive.. it is from the “coffee family” and Carfentyl is a Elephant Tranquiler and not aware of anything that is designated as a “horse tranquilizer” … although carfentyl may be used on horses and other large animals as well. DEA claims 14-15 deaths WORLD WIDE over several years from Kratom use/abuse and that Poison Control center got 500-600 calls concerning Kratom over 2-3 yrs.. Poison Control Centers average 7 CALLS PER SECOND.

  2. Download ACR recording app on a cell phone to record the responses you are getting from these Pharmacy’s whether it’s legal to use voice recordings in your state or not. If a lawyer won’t help you, contact your local news media and share these recordings. If the media won’t help you, start posting voice recordings to their Facebook pages with your story. Trust me, they don’t want the negative attention they’ll get from this.

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