Another therapy recommendation that is going to cause pts to be bed/chair/house confined ?

death_panelLong-term oxygen therapy not beneficial for COPD patients with moderate desaturation

This study looks at “time to death or first hospitalization” … appears to have little concern that a COPD pt without supplemental oxygen will loose most/all of their ability to ambulate or have much activity without supplemental oxygen. Just like the CDC opiate dosing guideline recommendations… appeared to ignore the pt’s ability to optimize their quality of life and/or optimize their ability to have much activity… instead .. many will be physically confined to bed/chair/house because of the recommendations of REDUCED THERAPY ?  DEATH PANELS … ANYONE ?

Long-term supplemental oxygen does not provide any benefit regarding time to death or first hospitalization among patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and resting or exercise-induced moderate desaturation, according to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Researchers originally sought to determine whether long-term treatment with supplemental oxygen would result in a longer time to death compared with no use of supplemental oxygen among patients with stable COPD and moderate resting desaturation (oxyhemoglobin saturation as measured by pulse oximetry [Spo2], 89% to 93%). After 7 months with 34 patients, the investigators also included patients who had stable COPD with moderate exercise-induced desaturation (during the 6-minute walk test, Spo2 ≥80% for ≥5 minutes and <90% for ≥10 seconds) and added the time to the first hospitalization for any cause into the new composite primary outcome.

Participants were randomly assigned to receive long-term supplemental oxygen or no long-term supplemental oxygen. In the supplemental-oxygen group, patients with resting desaturation were given 24-hour oxygen, and those with desaturation only during exercise were given oxygen during exercise and sleep.

The researchers followed 738 patients at 42 centers for 1 to 6 years. They found no significant difference between the supplemental-oxygen group and the no-supplemental-oxygen group in the time to death or first hospitalization (hazard ratio, 0.94), nor in the rates of all hospitalizations (rate ratio, 1.01), COPD exacerbations (rate ratio, 1.08), and COPD-related hospitalizations (rate ratio, 0.99). In addition, no consistent between-group differences were observed regarding measures of quality of life, lung function, and the distance walked in 6 minutes.

“We found that the prescription of supplemental oxygen for patients with stable COPD and resting or exercise-induced moderate desaturation did not affect the time to death or first hospitalization, time to death, time to first hospitalization, time to first COPD exacerbation, time to first hospitalization for a COPD exacerbation, the rate of all hospitalizations, the rate of all COPD exacerbations, or changes in measures of quality of life, depression, anxiety, or functional status,” the researchers stated.

“We found no effect on the primary outcome in subgroups of patients defined according to desaturation type, prescription type, or adherence to the regimen,” the investigators continued. “The consistency of the null findings strengthens the overall conclusion that long-term supplemental oxygen in patients with stable COPD and resting or exercise-induced moderate desaturation has no benefit with regard to the multiple outcomes measured.”

14 Responses

  1. They denied my mom oxegen repeatedly even when I was with her and insisted she couldn’t even ambulate for 6 or 7 feet without becoming breathless, I became so angry I wanted to rip someone’s head off. She had COPD and advanced lung cancer, her oxegen sat finally was low enough she got the O2 but she had become so debilitated she was chair then bedbound before passing in March. They aren’t fooling anyone and they really don’t give a crap who they hurt with their denials.

  2. I keep thinking about this. Where are they getting these studies about our health one after another on everything we have wrong with us. Only then the people with money will have oxygen. The poor will die quickly way to soon will they die. Their hearts won’t stand up under this kind of pain.heart attacks

  3. Have you ever exercised or run a long way and had that burn in your lungs. Well put two espresso straws in your mouth to breath through after you do you run or exercise that’s what it is like with out oxygen when you have COPD. I only have a capacity of a third of my lungs. They will cause me a painful death if they take my oxygen away. Please if you hear me out there fight for me I would not be able to do that. I hope we can get these people stopped I pray that we do.

  4. This is absolutely RIDICULOUS!!! My dad had congestive heart failure, COPD, emphysema (along with other problems) and used supplemental oxygen at home for a few years prior to his death. IS THAT NOT PROOF OF ANYTHING?

    They took his pain medication away during the first round of DEA witch hunts (around 2010 in our area) after he’d been taking it for over 30 years. (BTW within a year of them taking him off his pain medication, he was in a wheelchair 24/7.

    His diabetes spiraled out of control – open wounds filled with pus on his lower legs, feet turning blue/black – could no longer stand any type of pressure on his hips – 8 hip operations on one side, 2 on the other – both operations were botched the first time and by the time he found a surgeon who was willing to clean up the other surgeon’s mess, deep infection had set in.

    His hips (mainly the one that had 8 operations) stayed horribly infected for over 30 years. They finally had to implant a drain, so that the pus could drain out. Now they’re saying he should have never had supplemental oxygen???

    He couldn’t attend his only grandson’s high school graduation (5 minutes up the road) because he was in so much severe pain (thanks to the docs not allowing him to stay on his pain medication). I guess he should have had his oxygen tanks taken away, also.

    Oh, btw the pain medication and oxygen tanks were what allowed him to go on 3 vacations with me, my husband, and our son – Smokey Mountains, Colorado, and Yellowstone – all driving. I cherish the time I was able to spend with him on these trips (even though he was worse than me when trying to read a map lol).

    My dad’s life, along with every other chronically ill lives, mattered/matters! So I’m extending a big F U to this “study.” Steve, you are spot on with the death panels. This is seriously getting out of control. I’m absolutely sickened after reading this!

    • TRACEY,,or anyone else,, interested in helping us try and stop this torture and genocide?Please check out Inter America Commission on Human Rights,,,,see if it would bee something your interesting in,,,Filing a lawsuit against the U.S.A…dea,,cdc,,,hhs,,,,,doj,,ad the SurgeouGeneral,,,if I missed anyone…please feel free to add them,,jmo,,Steve has been nailen it lately on bringing us important infol,mary

      • What if many of us file the lawsuit against them. I wonder how many we could get ? They may not come together if not I guess you just do it yourself.
        Yip good idea.

      • Steve is the ONLY one that I trust with giving me information about CCP but anything else that needs to be addressed! I trust him with my treatment from my gp! And me has even taken his own time to speak with me and how to address my issues! Kudus to him!

  5. <ms,,eskimo lady,,,,ditto,,,,,,,& I did email u ,,,but sadly agree w/u 1000%,,,,they want us allll dead,,,m

  6. Where in creation do they find these idiot researchers? When my oxygen levels drop to 89% I have panic attacks! Why on earth would anyone have a problem with giving oxygen?? I know! It’s addictive!! Lucky for me that has only happened with allergies which I haven’t had since moving from Atlanta Georgia to Alaska 14 years ago. I see this as one more step in the government genocide program! Seems to me that the Nazis used genocide to rid themselves of various unwanted groups of people. Sadly I see our government as walking step for step down that same path!
    Mary please email me!

  7. CAN’T SLEEP,BACK KILLEN ME,,,,god I hope your rite Sandra,, for the sake of those innocent souls,,,who’s only crime according to this archain,inhumane,barbaric,uncivilized going backwards government,,,their only crime is being medically ill and in need of MEDICINE for medical illness!!!!!!U know in a court of law,,we could successfully argue that about this Klondike bar calling our medicines heroin…We could argue FACTUALLY,, just like judges do,,,,our MEDICINE has a different chemical formula then heroin,,,thus making our MEDICINE legally MEDICINE in the eyes of the laws of this country,,Ever judge in this country has sentence people to jail based upon the chemical formala /equation of a street drug,,,vice a versa,,our medicine has a different chemical formula then heroin,,,always has,,,,thus LEGALLY our medicines are MEDICINES not heroin,,in the eyes of the law,,,Sorry a little off topic,,but gotta write these thing,,or sometimes I forget,,,,,getten older does that to u,,,mary

  8. You you take away oxygen you are going to see BP very high and HEART ATTACKS. They will cause many people to die. I see lawyers on this one. Sooner or latter they are going to hang themselves. They are getting closer.

  9. That is what they want,,,they want us all dead,,,based upon false data provided by this cdc true psychopaths,,,Klondyn,,and theisen[sp],,,,I say false because it is,,they have convinced our government that we are the cause of high medical costs,,us long term patients,,,but its a lie,,,,,,my cost for pain management WAS 350.00 A YEAR,,, FOR 10 YEARS,, cause we use to go 1nce a year,,remember,,, I was ,”stable” according to them,,,little did we know,,,but….classified as stable,,,no increase or decreases on my meds…NOW,,, w/these forced appointment it costing my insurance company for cpp,,,,15,000 a years,,,me 5,000…That is not including the recent discovery of scarred pancrease,,ie pancreatitis,,,gallbladder crap,,blah blah blah,,,,But point being ,,because of the government they have MADE pain management more expensive,,and thats what they want on their books,,it was called in the olden days vias the mob,,”cooked books,”,,their data.Ohh and how can I forget the 50 % of us whom have lost our doctors thus our medicine,,sooo forced rehabs,,another 30,000 to 80,000 charges to thee insurance companies,,,allll to PROVE A LIE,,,,, as I man stated long ago,,,,,make the lie big enough,,simple ,,keep repeating EVERYWHERE on national media,,and they will believe it,,,,,heck it worked for Hitler,,,and look how many innocent people he killed by the means of torture and genocide,,,,,,sickening aint it,,,,,,but it is thee gods honest truth in the world today,,,it not just our country’s ill that r being forced to suffer u know,,,,,,but for me,,,were all I can handle/concentrate on due to medical illness,,,,,,and IF we get this torture and genocide stopped here,,,,other countries willl follow,,,jmo,mary

  10. I would be in to much pain if they did this. Off the charts pain. I would not want to live if they did this to me. Maybe that’s what they are trying to do. If this keeps up there will be a uprising in this country. Real problems are coming.

  11. this is sickening,,m

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