People always say, ‘Bob how did you know that?”
I stayed up most of the night thinking which is dangerous for me
well that’s what Carol Adams says anyways! Vicki Latham says I’m a great talker because I’m full of shit! Lmao
Andrew Hohenthaner says I have a certain way I bring things out in people
Kathy Riddle used to say if I retain anymore information my head will explode. Jessamyn Butler feels I’m kind of a good egg. Shirley Buck relys on me to come up with answers to problems. Nanc Seefeldt wants me to think fast and hard to solve problems. Steve Ariens Is my go to guy for everything pharmaceutical. Cheri Mendes Karen Wilkinson Margaret Drumheiser think I’m a little crazy but are wonderful people Michelle Shepherd believes I try hard and I will accomplish what I set out to do Douglas Leigh Hughes is my information guy and a great writer and a great guy Maria Higginbotham is my mentor and anything I need I ask her. Karlyn Beavers and Evelyn Beavers are wonderful fundraisers and great folks. Stacy Siano is one smart business cat.. Sheila Kim Purcell writes bills and has groups of folks on groups who work for legislation big wigs! I can do this all day APDF awesome folks Jade Rose Shelli Rodenbaugh Shear Carol Benack Ashley Clark Sara, Gina, Kim, Dana, Jessica, Lesley, Karen, Julie, Lynn, Tammy, Mike, David Israel ,Dr Mimms, Lisa, and ect ect… Great Docs and nurses and pharmacist and people that make APDF works!What makes us different is we have been to State Houses, Oversight Committees, Washington DC, Fundraisers, to eachothers houses to eat dinner, traveled to other States together to help one another, Speaking Engagements, Court Houses, Childrens Hospitals, Band Concerts with eachothers kids, hell even Hooters
! Truth being I don’t do anything by myself and so many great people put their time and efforts for free and only for the cause of helping CPPs and themselves. That’s so many different organizations problems is you’re working for people you can’t see and hope they are real people! These folks from around the USA are absolutely real and a force to be reckoned with! It’s easy to be a fear monger if you don’t know the person or people your working with! Work together is what gets things done..and boy have we made waves this year! One thing for sure is I know I’m nothing without all these great folks from around the
. They are called friends! Trusted friends! That’s how we roll! Different orgs or not. Common people with a common goal! So come help us and eat some food! Hahaha

Filed under: General Problems
The APDF family…yes I said FAMILY…are some of THE best people I’ve ever associated with, on or off the Internet. I first joined APDF as a Chronic Pain Patient myself. I was looking for help in finding a Pain Management Doctor here in Omaha, and I was looking for people that would understand what I was going through. I think I’ve only been in the group for a year…maybe two, but I hadn’t really said much or gotten involved. I used to get a kick out of Bob Sheerin’s videos and his “down to earth” style of saying and doing things, so I messaged him a question and he actually answered back! I had joined a few other groups, but if you messaged the person running it they ignored you. The more I watched their videos the more I knew that group wasn’t for me. I just kept going back to APDF. One day I received a message from Bob asking me if I’d be interested in learning to Advocate for CPP. He listed off several different traits…traits I didn’t even know I had. I told him I would try, but didn’t think I’d be a good Advocate because I can’t even advocate for myself! He said not to worry, that there were a lot of Advocates in the group that would be there to help me. The next thing I know he’s put me in the group chat for Advocates and then there was a Zoom meeting that same night. Talk about a supportive group of people!!
Bob is a great Advocate, and the work he’s done for kids that are dying from Cancer, suffering from horribly painful diseases and injuries is utterly amazing! Are Bob and the other Advocates perfect? Hell no! Are they amazing at their work for the CPP community? Hell yeah! These people are, to use one of Bob’s best lines, “Boots on the ground” Advocates and Ambassadors. Shirley Buck is another example of a “Boots on the ground Advocate & Ambassador. Shirley works directly with Vets to try and get their Pain Medication back from the VA. She also works to change Legislation to help our struggling Vets be given the help they deserve after serving their Country. A lot of people aren’t aware of what they are going through, and Shirley has made it her job to change that.
Some leaders of groups claim to have “the largest Pain Group in the U.S.”, but so what if you’re all fluff and no substance? I’d rather be part of a smaller group of fine people that work together to actually do something to help the Pain Community, than to be in a huge group of “All talking the talk, but zero walking the walk”. I love being part of a group where the leader can say ” We need to do better…I need to do better” instead of just talking or posting pictures of themselves and doing NOTHING but TALKING about what they’re going to do for CPP, but you never see any results. Again…lots of fluff with no substance. This community needs people willing to get out there and HELP…”Boots on the ground” all the way! Thank you APDF for giving me the chance to be part of a big group doing big things for the Pain Community. We may not be the largest Pain Patient group, but I think we have bigger and better results. We definitely walk the walk better, that’s for sure!
Thank you Steve for your help, support and all you do for the whole Chronic Pain Community.
Yes, this is THE best pain group I’ve found. I get such a kick out of Bob…I would volunteer to help, but I am so unreliable – even to my own self goals, that I wouldn’t want to let others down.