Filed under: General Problems
APDF goes to Washington DC to lobby members of Congress -042424
Posted on April 25, 2024 by Pharmaciststeve
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
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psss,,also i think its maybe a good idea to share quietly what individual states are looking for?/it appears every time we suggest something,,thee pro-torture people,,,will run commercials all day about the terrible opiate addiction crisis,,For a fact,,in wisconsin Tammy Baldwin has run 20 freaken commercials since apda,,and ,”others” have visited madison and Washington dc for our cause to stop torturing us,,,,Baldwin still blames the terrible prescribed opiates for everything,,but seems to ramp it up more,,,when we fight back,,soooo shhhhhhh on plan of attack game of truth to power for us????maryw
Steve do u know if there was a friday video???U know if i do it off of facebook,,,,thee goes my data for the month,,,,,thanks,mw
TY for helping be the voice for others. Grateful to you.
I try my best to do what I can to email and call. Physically I am not able to get out and do it.
awesome work guys,,,,thank u,,,god bless,,,mw
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you all do! For all of us who are bed bound and can’t get out we appreciate you