APDF has 80+ kids – just in Vanderbilt Hosp Nashville, TN – that are in chronic pain and Bob is successfully advocating for them


I need help! I’m thinking about taking on 10 more sick kids 🤔 but I’ll need money to operate! I have Steve Ariens RPH Andrew Hohenthaner Johnna Magers Shirley Buck Carol Adams Dr. Anthony Mimms Dr. Norman, Cheri Mendes, Karen Wilkinson, and several others that work for free but I will be needing office stuff, transportation, food, and incidentals! This isn’t gonna be cheap and it’s done on a shoe string budget! Not everyone has access to the best Pharmacist in the world and the best Doctor’s on the planet and some of the best advocates on the face of the 🌎 earth! Your only as good as the people you work with! I’ve been blessed with the best. My gift of gab combined with the best minds money can buy who donate their time is priceless! I’d appreciate the help as there are 93 other children who need our help. I’d love to try if we can muster up the money from the public. If we can get close I’d be up for the task! If not I’ll take all of them I can before APDF runs out of money lol ! Remember the news likes kids better than anything and this may very well be the eye opener. After the 10 they may fold and we can start a program where I can get some of the very best to travel and give lectures to the parents on how to advocate on their own? I’d love to bring in Mary, Tamera, Andrea, Red, Lisa, Jules, Anna, Mr Bill, Dr Tennant, Dr Colman, Kathy, Jonelle, Cathy and so many more great advocates! I’m mad and frustrated and devastated they can do this to children 😪. Help me get there 😢 CPP or not I’ll take all the help I can get! General Public you have to see torturing kids is inhumane and if there’s ever a cause to help with,this is it! Help treat these kids. 5.00 or 5 hundred will help set things right! Help me as I’m desperate and don’t want to leave these babies hanging. 93 kids and we helped 4! We can do better and come together ❤ I know we can! We love NPC & IPF CIAAG & PPSGM&F & many more.. WE CAN DO THIS PEOPLE 💪

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