Apparently Missouri has developed a Laissez-faire policy

Vacancies hurting Missouri government

From the article:

This article was claimed to be written by Peter Kinder, of Cape Girardeau, is the lieutenant governor of Missouri. 

who claims that ” By neglecting his appointments, Gov. Nixon is derelict in his duty to the people of Missouri.”

* State Board of Pharmacy: It issues licenses and renewals to pharmacists and pharmacies. Five of seven seats are vacant or expired.

Apparently Missouri has returned to what was common in the “wild wild west”… the “fastest gun rules”..

I thought that it was bad that reportedly 75% of the BOP’s had corporate employees sitting on them…  Can the board of Missouri even have a quorum to meet.. if people are just continuing to serve on the BOP when their term has expired… Is anything that the BOP does… LEGAL ?

Why hasn’t the state pharmacy association – and the other associations affected … taking some sort of legal action to force the Governor to appoint someone…?

How bad a shape is the state of Missouri in.. when the Lieutenant Governor is posting an opinion piece… stating that the Governor is “derelict in his duty “?

Maybe someone needs to TURN THE FAN ON.. so that all the shit hitting it.. will just not stick to the fan…




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