Apparently some CRIMINALS have BADGES ?

Asset Forfeiture

Illinois County Sued for Asset Forfeiture “Racketeering.” Three people have filed a federal lawsuit against the Kane County Sheriff’s Office alleging it is running a racketeering enterprise by stopping drivers, falsely arresting and searching them, and seizing their cash and cars for the benefit of the county. The suit also names three deputies, including one—Sgt. Hain—who is also employed by a private company, Desert Snow, that trains police to prolong traffic stops, conduct searches without warrants or consent, and aggressively seize assets. The plaintiffs allege they were stopped, searched, and had several thousand dollars in cash seized, and that they were booked into the county jail overnight, but never charged with a crime. They were released the next day. Police found no drugs or other suspicious items. The plaintiffs are seeking compensatory and punitive damages.

5 Responses

  1. They will still get away with it all probability with only a slap on the hand or they will find a couple scape goats.
    Has anyone ever seen a police officer turn their lights on temporarily to go through a stop light?
    Has any of you ever been driving down a freeway just over the speed limit and had a cool pass you doing a lot faster without their lights on?
    Finally, has any of you ever been pulled over for no reason but been told you have a license plate light out or some other BS excuse?
    In Arizona they pull people over simply for having dark skin.
    The cops profile vehicles and drivers before they pull them over. They find bullshit excuses to search your vehicles, then if they find anything that they feel looks suspicious like large amounts of money, they take you to jail and seize your property. This activity isn’t just isolated to Illinois, it’s all over the country.
    Just a little hint, a feeling that an officer has is not probable cause, it’s profiling.
    If a cop wants to search your vehicle make them get a warrant. If they take you into custody, make them tell you the charges. False arrest is a crime and if you’re not guilty of anything then they can’t hold you. If your vehicle or cash is not implicated in a crime then they must release it to you. Demand and attorney right away and file charges for illegal search and seizure and false arrest if they get you for resisting.
    The only reason this all still happens is because too many people let these crooks with badges get away with it. Only have respect if you get respect. Nobody wants to be taken into custody but sometimes you might just have to, to make your point.
    I’m not saying that all police officers are like this, I’m not saying that you should stand your ground if you ran a light or were speeding, if you’re in the wrong you should accept your pennants. All I’m saying is that no one should put up with bullying from someone just because they have a badge and always get a badge number.

    • A recent Supreme Court Ruling it is illegal – against 4th Amendment unreasonable search and seizure – when a cop stops you for a traffic offense to make you wait until the have a drug dog show up to “search” your car… it has been shown again and again by video that shows cops with dogs.. cuing the dog to “react” as if there are drugs in the car.. This is all part of the rampant abuse of civil asset forfeitures. Another thing you can do with a minor traffic stop if delayed or detained.. request for a supervisor to show up on scene… Enough times a supervisor gets called to scene over abusive procedures.. abuses will change.

      • SCOTUS also ruled searching cell phones are off.limits without warrants..put PIN numbers on them to are it more difficult for them to open rhem. Make them get the warrant.

        • I believe if you check the ACLU site there are pointers on traffic stops and one of them is there is a time limit for a routine stop and it includes if they insist on calling for a K9 unit. If they go over what is considered reasonable time for a routine stop…it’s in your favor…I don’t know why people insist on carrying so much cash. If I had to carry that much cash, it would be in the form of a money order/money gram…I don’t think they can seize a money order, they want the actual cash. Check out the tips on the ACLU site, memorize them. Never get real chatty with the officer. Each state has an office. I dont always agree with some of their stances, but they have become more vocal against some of the jack booted thugs of the current administration

      • Steve…can you cite the SCOTUS case that resulted in the referenced ruling. I need to add it to my wallet card that I carry in case i am the victim of being badge-red (pronounced badgered).

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