Appriss health attempting to be “OVER LORD” of opiate prescribing/dosing/treatment ?

Appriss Health has created this MASSIVE website to supposedly to  help healthcare professionals to understand what they are doing – or attempting to do – in assisting healthcare professionals treat chronic pain pts and help call attention to those pts that are at risk of being substance abusers.

I find the websites EXCESSIVELY WORDY and at a point confusing and don’t know many healthcare professionals are going to have the time to read and digest all of this information.

I just wonder if this MASSIVE PRESENTATION is more to impress non healthcare professionals who are corporate executives who are being asked to pay dearly to provide this service to their employee healthcare professionals and how the “use” of this will help protect the corporation and provide “better care” to the pts that they serve.

Is this complex system and its reports just going to give healthcare professionals to JUST SAY NO.. because they don’t have the time to properly evaluate the information provided in the format that it is provided in.


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