Are some Walgreens’ pharmacies violating HIPAA laws ?

Are some Walgreens’ pharmacies violating HIPAA laws? – See more at:

Are some Walgreens’ pharmacies violating HIPAA laws ?

Guess what ??  this group

Change to Win Retail Initiatives (CWRI)
claims that Walgreen’s RPH out front format is not following HIPPA and RPH consulting is only 8.2%
I know that in Indiana… about the same time that the IN BOP gave WAGS the permission/exception to have this new concept… the state legislature changed the RPH/tech ratio from 1:4 to 1:6.. I suspect that the legislature was told that increasing the ratio would give the RPH more time to consult and improve pt care…  Maybe previous consultation rate was near ZERO.. so 8.2% is probably an INCREASE…
Wonder why they didn’t look at how drive thru communication and counseling is handled ?
How private is HIPAA cover information being shouted out over a outdoor speaker ?

2 Responses

  1. Very simple solution. Do not counsel patients via the drive thru window. Ask the customer/patient to come into the store because there is some important information that needs to be given. Remember, we have the duty to counsel. Our techs and cashiers ask “do you have any questions for the pharmacist?” and if they do at the drive thru, they can either call on the phone when they get home, or come into the store and get their questions answered.

  2. Is Walgreens the only pharmacy that has a drive thru in Indiana? Just curious. If not, how is consuling done at those drive thru.

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