Are stupid consultants hired by stupid administrations ?

Gruber: ‘Seniors do a terrible job choosing’ health care plans

ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber said “seniors do a terrible job choosing” their own public health care plans, according to presentation slides Gruber wrote that were obtained by The Daily Caller.

With ObamaCare limiting patients’ ability to choose their own insurance plans, doctors and medications, we might now know why: the law’s designers don’t think people know how to choose.

“We have experimented with choice in public insurance: Medicare Part D,” Gruber stated on a presentation slide dated Jan. 22, 2013. “Typical senior has 50 PDPs [Prescription Drug Plans] to choose from.”

But what’s wrong with seniors being able to choose their own plan?

“Seniors do a terrible job choosing,” Gruber said.

Gruber’s slide then claimed that 12 percent of seniors allegedly picked the lowest-cost Medicare Part D plan and could on average save up to 30 percent more, without noting that some seniors pick prescription drug plans that work for them that are not necessarily the cheapest possible plan.

Are do they just hire very bright consultants that are too stupid to keep their mouth shut.. in how the general public was hood winked to try to shift an election ?


2 Responses

  1. What doctor in his right mind would take a person with odumbercare and expect to get paid for their time, the website crashed on day one ,what’s to be expected of the outcome of anything good coming from odumbercare.

  2. No, people dont choose the plans Obummer and his cronies want them to choose so he’s going to make use of his phone and pen and end runs around congress to get his single payer system. Thank god the voters came thru and maybe we can get some relief from this nightmare. Yet another big court case on the docket this year regarding subsidies. Law states only in states that the feds set up the exchanges those people could get subsidies, not those who got insurance thru state only exchanges. Court finds only fed exchanges eligible, obummercare cannot sustain itself. This whole thing is one gigantic ponzi scheme anyway. IMO…saw it coming like a bad train wreck

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