Because you asked !

Pain management nightmares

Do you have a pain management nightmare, or a horror story filling your pain prescriptions? I am gearing up to lobby congress for change, and the more personal stories I have, the more powerful I will become at advocating. No matter how short or long your story is, I’d love to use it for examples when I meet face to face with these individuals. I am going to start at my local government officials and work my way up. I’ve lobbied at a state level before, and was very successful. I know how to get the attention of these officials. So please if you have a story, consider sharing it with me. If you would rather I not use your name, specify, and it will be kept in the strictest of confidence.

Write your story today!
Write your story today!

Please use the contact button at the upper right corner of this page, PM through Facebook or text the details of your story. I will provide my email address upon specific request as well. Specify if you would rather your name be withheld, and I will just use the state in which you reside. I will be asking several more times as I gather information and resources. Please share with your friends and family members. Anyone who had, or has had a prescription for pain medicine is valuable, and needs to be heard.

Please share this far and wide. Share it in groups, on Facebook pages, on your friends walls. The more information I can gather, the stronger and more united a front I can present.

2 Responses

  1. I had a complete hysterectomy on Nov 4th. I was so shocked and angry to find out how hard it was to get my doctors to prescribe pain relief! They finally gave me some but due to new regulations I was allowed no refills. I should have been in bed but I had to get dressed and go to the dr office to get the hand written script, then deliver to the pharmacy. I have all kinds of other meds mailed to me by my pharmacy… not Norco because of the new rules!
    I ran out of medicine and my doctor had gone on vacation. No other dr in the office would write me a script because they are afraid of prosecution. This is out of hand. Give us patients a break.
    I understand this medicine is highly abused. But making patients suffer because of a few addicts is just not fair.
    Thanks for listening.

    Stephanie Simmons

  2. This is so nice! I do many patients get busy and write. Sounds like there is no reason not to do this.

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