Because you asked – Part 2

stevemailboxWill you please post this


Pharmacists are being pushed beyond their limits. Medication errors are on the rise and the companies only care about the bottom line! It’s time for Pharmacists to take the Profession back!!!!!

That’s why I created a petition to Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, Rite Aid, and Krogers, which says:

“We must hold Retail Pharmacies responsible for pushing prescription errors and distractions that have been proven to cause medication errors and risk patient safety “

Will you sign this petition? Click here:


2 Responses

  1. We also need to start petitions against CEO’s. I would if I knew how! Did you know in 2012 Larry Merlo made $18 million dollars ($8,654 dollars an hour). Sad for him, in 2011 he only made 12 million ($5,769 dollars an hour). But, the average employee at CVS today makes $27,000 a year ($13 an hour) and is made to work ungrueling hours and understaffed with future raises frozen because he makes to much! Is Larry’s 18 million dollars worth one person’s life? How much of a pay cut would the poor man have to take to adequately staff the CVS pharmacies responsible for peoples life every day? Did he find a cure to cancer for all this money? No – but he did jeopardize many people’s safety in his quest for wealth. I know it is 2014 but no one needs to make that much money at the expense of public safety – yeah he knows how to cut the bottom line to make profits good to the shareholders but at what cost to life? And, the shareholders need to know they share this responsibility! Let’s start shouting out the CEO’s and bringing it to the attention of the public that your loved ones life are at risk due to the selfishness of the CEO’s, No CEO with that mentality should be in a position that could affect the health and safety of the american public. We really can take back our profession but we need to focus on the big picture – the Boards of Pharmacy and the “CEO’s” that think they are running it and the shareholders who think the profits are more important than human life!

  2. This is awesome but, unfortunately, corporations are not going to change as long as the Board of Pharmacy allows it and some pharmacist out there always willing to accept the working conditions for a job. A job to me is not worth someones life! Please start more petitions aimed at the Boards of Pharmacy. Their main role is to protect public safety but they are turning a blind eye because corporations run them. Texas Board of Pharmacy just recently announced on public tv they have never heard of metrics being put in front of public safety – what? Never heard about the metrics – give me a break! Don’t let the Boards of Pharmacy keep being able to deny their turning their back because no one told us! We need petitions getting every Board of Pharmacy to step up to the plate and start protecting public safety! They have the power but refuse to do it because they need the corporations money and the corporations have totally infiltrated them as they knew this is what they had to do in order to control the profession. People on the Board of Pharmacy might view things a little different if it was one of their loved ones who lost a life over this. GET THE CORPORATIONS OFF THE BOARDS OF PHARMACY AND MAKE THEM RESPONSIBLE FOR PUBLIC SAFETY!

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