Bob Sheerin (APDF VP) Up to bat – FOUR TIMES – NO STRIKES – just SOLID HITS

Bob Sheerin (APDF VP) Up to bat – FOUR TIMES – NO STRIKES – just SOLID HITS

Vanderbilt Hospital Nashville , TN

Pt: Lilly Demond 14 y/o  Stage 3 Leukemia

Dad:  Mechanic

Mom: Waitress

 Lilly: 9th grade and does well in school 9 months at Vandy

Allergies: Pencillin, Morphine, nuts, cancer free only 10 months in her whole life.

Lilly: youngest of 4 siblings : rides bike, yoga, PT injections

5 doctors in 16 months, Pharmacies have given parents hell. 


Lilly has experience extreme pain in abdomen, back pain, kidney stones, mouth sores, and chemo rash

Lilly has begged for  pain management, mom has been  administrating different medications several times. Lilly was previously  prescribed Hydrocodone with motrin, Robaxin,  face cream and has used antibiotics for rashes. Z pak is given every 3 months  and she will discontinue Ultram 50 mg to start new regiment of opioids. Dr admits to having tried “everything” previously. Lilly’s parents has agreed to UAs and random pill counts and Lilly will take 2 weeks off of chemo until pain gets better managed.  Dr informed everyone on the potential dangers of opioids and addiction . Parents signed wavers and Lilly will continue high school as normal, will start regiment at observation center ASAP and prescriptions will be brought to parents after observation is completed. New appointment set up for Feb 2021 Robert Sheerin American Pain and Disability Foundation VPO

APDF is a non-profit all volunteer organization in its third year and goal is to help help pts with chronic health issues to improve their QOL ( Quality of life).

Volunteers and donations are welcomed and needed.

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One Response

  1. Oh what a beautiful story ❤

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