Buy/Hire American ?

Here are the top 10 for 2011

1 CVS Pharmacy 493 $115,010
2 Rite Aid 146 $120,273
3 Wal Mart Associates 36 $119,843
4 Walgreen 21 $122,098
5 Winn Dixie Stores 19 $108,132
6 Elite Pharmacy Management Ltd 10 $88,000
7 Kroger Limited Partnership I 9 $114,263
8 Albertson s 7 $117,074
9 The Stop Shop Supermarket 6 $109,324
10 New Albertsons 6 $106,102

Here is a list of all the H1B listed by employer… for those Pharmacists out there that can’t find a job.. maybe because you are not here on a H1B visa… according to this list …  CVS has applied for ~ 500 H1B visa applicants EACH YEAR from 2001 thru 2011.  Rite Aid had similar numbers for the same time frame.. All the rest of the BIG BOYS had applicants as well.. just no where near those numbers.

What we don’t know .. is how many of these H1B visa holders are still employed by the chains today.

We all know about how Americans do not like to deal with on-line tech support from overseas .. between accents and other cultural differences… generally has not been a good fit… one can only imagine in how these types of interactions plays out in person.. on a one to one … face to face .. interaction..

Could it be.. that the typical H1B visa holder… constantly has the threat held over their head.. that if they don’t do what they are told… legal/illegal … ethical/unethical .. they will be discharged and deported back to their homeland?

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