can artificial intelligence system emulate common sense

I asked this question to this AI BOT  I just saw where this bot was able pass a medical licensing board/test.  There was a piece on TV this past week of a pilot program in a hospital where cameras were monitoring pts in this particular hospital unit and the cameras fed into a AI program and it was seeing if AI could detect changes in a pt’s health status based on body language and/or movement.

Back in 1965 Gordon Moore – co-founder of Intel – declared that “computer power” would DOUBLE EVERY TWO YEARS and their cost would be CUT IN HALF EVERY TWO YEARS… that became known as “Moore’s Law”. I bought my first TI calculator in the mid-70’s and my first personal computer in the late 70’s. With the book that came with the computer I taught myself how to write software and actually end up selling some ultra specialty software packages. I have had a front row seat to watch Moore’s law evolve.

we are witnessing the next quantum leap forward in how computers will impact our lives and Moore’s Law may now be as antiquated as those computers that were around when Gordon Moore established Moore’s law.  Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here and now.  Here is the answer I got from CHATGPT when I asked the following question. This BOT has only been around a few months and it has already passed a Medical Licensing test/board…

How long before AI is involved with Electronic Medical Records and helping – or dictating – to practitioners as to what is appropriate therapy and/or overseeing insurance/pbm prior approval  process.  I asked this BOT this question, because those people dealing with subjective diseases ( pain, anxiety, depression, ADD/ADHD, mental health ) have few/no lab tests to confirm that the pt actually has the medical issue and/or the impact the disease has on the pt’s QOL. This is where a practitioner’s common sense and clinical experiences comes in to play in developing a treatment plan for a pt.

to be quite honest, artificial intelligence involved in medical care…. scares the CRAP OUT OF ME !  I got a free Alexa a few years back and I have never plugged her in nor connected her to my home internet/router, I have never had much trust in her either.

can artificial intelligence system emulate common sense ?

Currently, artificial intelligence systems do not possess common sense in the same way that humans do. Common sense refers to a broad range of implicit knowledge and understanding that people have about the world and human behavior. It enables humans to make inferences and judgments in situations that they have not encountered before.

While AI systems have made significant progress in specific domains such as image recognition, language processing, and game playing, they do not yet have the ability to understand and reason about the world in the same way that humans do. To develop AI systems with common sense, researchers would need to find ways to explicitly represent and incorporate this type of knowledge and reasoning into AI algorithms.

4 Responses

  1. Here in lays a huge issue,,when ,”they” start seeing us as a piece of data on a piece of paper,,,it takes ALLLLL HUMANITY out of care,,,thhus why we are ranked DEAD LAST in healthcare ,America cares nothing for the well-being of its people,,,,all of it is gone,,because of shit like this computer predicting a human expereince,,,idiots,,,,and how much did that,”technology cost the hospital using it eh??????technology in many parts of medical x-care needs to be tossed in the garbage,,,for its their $$$$technology that is killing us,,and some really evil cruel inhumane assholes like A.k.,,ballytne,,prop,cdc,dea,their allllll in bed w/each other..Evil is obviously sufferable,,but these jerks do not understand the meaning of that phrase in our very own Declaration of freedom,,,,hell they’ve probable never read it,,obviously,,,jmo,,maryw,,

  2. A 66 yo man in my church was admitted into the hospital via the ER for venous stasis ulceration of his legs. Thanks to constant changes in daily Dr visits while inpatient from multi hospitalists sporadically appearing and algorithms at work, the patients wife was informed he was ready for discharge home. She formally appealed this decision for the still very acutely ill pt who was disoriented, had blood clots in his GI tract, was in terrible pain, and still with a temp, and septisemia. The wife lost the appeal, was told if he remained in the hospital, she would be responsible for the bill. The pt was wheeled out of the hospital via wheelchair with the help of 2 Aides and 1 nurse he could not be placed into the car for transport home. He could not stand, had become incoherent. The wife asked the 3 staff members for help returning him to the ER. There, the pt awaited readmission but no beds were available. For 24+ hrs., the pt awaited a bed. Moral of the story per the hospital’s intensives ” The algorithms used in monitoring this pt. did not recognize the gravity of this patient’s life threatening illnesses. Forgot to mention the pt was on Coumadin before being readmitted. He He was discovered to have copious acts of bleeding from urinary tract.

    I suppose it’s not enough the cdc used the wrong algorithms when they told us about ” the opiate crisis.” Not enough the fda told us ” We used an outside Contractor for algorithms re the ” opiate crisis…” Now, for patients in 0 shape to be discharged, what do we have? The ” wrong algorithms. ”
    Welcome to ” Health ( DON’T) Care.” Who needs any health professionals to assess patients? There IS a reason nurses are leaving bedside nursing in droves. Around here, we have hospitals closing wings due to lack of staff to care for pts.! Burnout. Retirements. Change in careers. Strangulation from endless “codes,” computer screens. Nothing will ever replace human eyes, ears, years of education, experience in pt care. More voodoo is hard at work… God bless patients too ill to self advocate or those who don’t know how to advocate and where to begin and those trying to advocate on behalf of their loved ones.

  3. Does the DEA have any idea of what common sense is?

    • “Common sense” is a rare disease when it comes to the Regs in health “care.” Common sense is avoided at all costs by all Regs. It’s a pandemic of epic proportions.

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