Careful how deep you dig that hole


MarkeTouch Media Acquires Licenses for Walgreen Co.’s Prescription Alignment Patents

Now the three major chain pharmacies have announced similar programs to focus on allowing pts to sync all their medications so that they only have to make one trip a month to pick up all their medications.  While they are professing that it will help pts not run out of their medication(s) and remain compliant with their therapy for their chronic conditions. If done correctly, that will be accomplished, but likewise the chains will end up selling more medications.. generating more revenue and being able to time arrival of inventory to have less average inventory dollars on the shelves.. a form of “just-in-time-ordering” meaning a BIGGER return on investment for the chains..  So where is the digging themselves into a hole issue ?  When a Pharmacist tells a pt that “I’m not comfortable” in filling your controlled meds.. what the Pharmacist is basically saying is that he/she does not believe that you have a medical need for the particular controlled medication(s) and/or your prescriber is a careless prescriber or less than competent prescriber…  It is illegal for a prescriber to prescribe medication(s) – especially controls – to a pt that does not have a valid medical necessity for them.. likewise it is illegal for a person to obtain controlled meds for a illicit or non-medical necessity need. So, if you sign up for one of these sync programs and they are always able/willing to fill your non-controls on time, but decline, refuse or give some other excuse why they can’t fill your controlled meds from the same doctor.. then how can a person come to the conclusion that a prescriber is competent to prescribe non-controls but less competent to prescribe controlled meds. Could it be that “the hole” they have dug themselves into.. is setting themselves up to documenting denial of care and discriminating against pts covered by the ADA…  They could be “digging for dollars” under the label of “pt adherence ”  but may find out that they are just digging themselves into a hole ?

MarkeTouch Media recently announced an agreement with Walgreens to license their medication synchronization patents. The Houston-based technology company offers pharmacies a variety of solutions that focus on patient medication adherence, health literacy and disease state management programs. 

MarkeTouch Media provides its Optimum MedSync service to pharmacies across North America. MarkeTouch Media utilizes unique and cutting edge technology that allows clients to implement solutions that maximizes enrollment and minimizes the impact on pharmacy workflow. 

“Optimum MedSync drives medication adherence. Poor med-adherence is directly responsible for $270+ billion of healthcare waste* and roughly 125,000 premature deaths annually**,” said Lyle Green, Vice President Sales and Marketing. “Licensing Walgreens’ patents ensures that our customers can leverage all aspects of RxTouch Optimum MedSync”. 

MarkeTouch Media reports Optimum MedSync programs have enrolled almost 60% of eligible patients, increased patient medication adherence rates and overall patient satisfaction. “Optimum MedSync allows our clients to document the direct effect that pharmacists have on the health outcomes of their patients,” according to Charles Russo, MarkeTouch Media’s Chief Executive Officer “Our solutions integrate seamlessly with the pharmacy operating system and our tools provide actionable items that are designed to fit into the pharmacy workflow to drive results.” 

MarkeTouch Media’s proprietary technology integrates with the vast majority of pharmacy systems. The company offers Pharmacist Connect, Outbound Notifications, Health and Wellness Scheduler, Mobile and Web Solutions, Patient Surveys, Central IVR, Data Analytics, Clinical Services and Optimum MedSync for healthcare providers. The platform allows for direct communication with patients in the manner that they choose (voice, SMS/text, e-mail and push notifications) and is easily assimilated into workflow in multiple configurations. 

“Optimum MedSync is an important part of our Clinical Service Suite, however, the functionality of all of our tools and robust analytics and reporting is what is driving the results for our clients,” says Rebecca Lichucki, Director of Clinical Services for MarkeTouch Media. “We work closely with each of our clients to understand not only the quality metrics that are important to them, but also the operational goals that need to be met. In partnering with our clients, we are able to design custom campaigns that drive multifaceted results”. 

MarkeTouch Media’s hosted platform delivers and receives more than 175 million communications and schedule three million appointments annually on behalf of more than 14,000 pharmacy locations across North America.

*Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Noon Conference on Medication Adherence.” 27 Mar. 2013 
**Hagland, Mark. “CVS Caremark Report: Medication Non-Adherence in U.S. Costs Up to $290 Billion Annually.” Healthcare Informatics 4 Jul. 2013

Rite Aid successfully launches med-sync program

CVS Health rolls out ScriptSync program

3 Responses

  1. I filed a complaint with the ADA regiarding the exact matter , I was DENIED help from the ADA AS WELL.. It’s hopeless .. Nobody cares at all.. Were all dope addicts in they’re eyes

  2. 1 we live paycheck to paycheck I prefer to spread.out our refills even if have low copays.i
    2) if the doc makes dose changes I don’t want to do 2 refills of a.partial.and a full one and pay q copays. I prefer to do my owm reills.whe I need them not tells it thinks I need them. bad enough in LTC…

    • I understand your reasoning for not doing this.. but.. signing up for such a system by someone who is covered under the ADA and the pharmacy agrees to sync all their meds except their controls would just further document discrimination against the pt.. they don’t have to stay on the sync system.. just long enough to document the discrimination.. if it exists… It would also document that their BS about being concerned about the pt being complaint with their maintenance/chronic meds

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