Case dismissed against doctor accused of over prescribing meds that led to patient ODs

Case dismissed against doctor accused of over  prescribing meds that led to patient ODs

HOWARD COUNTY, Ind. (WLFI) – A Howard County doctor accused of overprescribing powerful painkillers that led to patient overdoses has the case dismissed.

“Shocked,” said Kokomo resident Allen Butler. “I think, whatever they say is wrong with her, she still deserves some kind of punishment.”

On Tuesday, a Howard County judge granted the dismissal in the case against Dr. Marilyn Wagoner.

Kokomo resident Margaret Haworth said she’s disappointed in the decision.

“There’s too many people’s lives, young people’s lives and older people’s lives, that she’s messed up,” said Haworth. “They’re all messed up.”

Prosecuting attorney Mark McCann filed a motion to dismiss the case against Dr. Marilyn Wagoner, wife of Dr. Don Wagoner who was sentenced in July 2014 to two years behind bars for seven felony charges in connection to the case.

As News 18 previously reported, police said the Wagoner Clinics in Burlington and Kokomo were operating as “pill mills,” overprescribing dangerous painkillers that led to numerous overdoses. As many as 27 patient deaths may have been linked to the case. Court documents show a total of nine people were arrested and faced a combined 95 felony charges.

Butler said not only have people died at the hands of the Wagoner Clinic doctors, former patients are still suffering.

“He can’t go to no other doctor because they think all of her patients are there just for the drugs, even though he needs the medication,” Butler explained. “So, it’s not just affected him but everybody that went there.”

In the state’s motion to dismiss, McCann cited several reasons:

  • Marilyn Wagoner is currently living in an assisted living facility.
  • She is of an advanced age of 79 years.
  • Marilyn Wagoner’s heath care provider says she is suffering from mental incapacity, has been diagnosed with memory loss, and her cognitive functions continue to decline.
  • The doctor provided a medical report which states she is unable to stand trial.

Haworth thinks another doctor should review the case.

“If she’s that sick like they say she is, I want more than one opinion of it,” said Haworth.

Marilyn Wagoner’s bond order has been released and her trial date has also been lifted.

8 Responses

  1. The new non opiods may work for some but who are you to say what works best for everyone? I have taken non opioids and they did nothing but make it worse! The side effects of most modern medications are often worse than what they are supposed to treat! Asthma meds that contain ingredients that cause asthma deaths are the first to come to mind. I believe it is my right to take the medication that has the best outcome for ME! One of my many pain issues is fibromyalgia for which I have been given gabapenton, lyrica, and cimbalta amongst other things and thank you to those medications I have permanent vision problems and can no longer safely drive. It should be an individual choice with my own doctor what medication or procedures we feel will give the best outcome for ME. People with closed minds are the cause of so many people suffering more than anyone should have to. It may not be nice but I hope all those who have decided that they know better how everyone should be treated for pain end up suffering with no relief! When they have tried all the alternative therapies and the fancy new drugs that have horrible side effects and are too expensive to be affordable for most and find out they don’t work perhaps Denny and others like him will understand what too many people who are in pain have been saying! Opiates used under a doctor’s supervision aren’t a problem! Compassionate doctors who end up with many patients on opiates because of their compassion shouldn’t have to fear the witch hunts as they currently do! No one can feel another person’s pain.

  2. Guess you fiends don’t get it. New non opiates will work fine

    • Denny,,Denise,,whatever,,,your nuts,,,do u actually have any chronic physical pain,anywhere,,above a 5??If u don’t,,please look u the word psychopath,,,,part of thee definition is delusion of grandeur,,,,Do u really think your sooo high on the food chain u have a rite to make people suffer in physical pain??Hey maybe he’ll be 1 of the 4,000 Trump plans on firing,ie drain the swamp,,,at the whitehouse,,,u do know that is why he is looking for 4,000 new employees,,,,,he plans on cleaning house over there in Washinton d.c. from creatins like this 1,,,,,,bout time eh,,,,maryw

  3. To Denny,,,,is your last name Klonfdyn??or did u forget the m.d. after your name???Could u please explain why u think u have the rite to tell any adult how much they should suffer in physical pain???Are u the new God??Are u a chemist??You ideation I guess we should deem muffins in the same category as heroin then,,,if they use poppy seeds???Or how bout grapes because they both can can be used to make alcohol,,,,I know,,,how bout apples are alcohols then ,,since u can make alcohol from apples,,,or how bout sugar,,yea,, sugar is the same as alcohol,,,cause it is used to make alcohol….Your thought process is illogical,,,prejudice because of its ignorance,,,mary,

  4. These pill mills and over prescribing physicians are the problem that led to this. No many younger people and first time opiae users know no better. Her husband was able to stand trial and he’s where he belongs. All these so called pain doctors need to own up funny she all of a sudden has memory loss?The stammered that took fake MRIs x-rays another problem. If you can have a surgery to correct your problem than no reason for opiate use. It should be restricted to those that have no remedies. They are now marketing opiate free pain medication so we will all be safe than. Her doctor husband in jail speaks volumes. Shame these injured families get no justice because doctors write write write. No more party is over. Heroine is the same as all these drugs derived from the poppy

  5. Like I said,,,,there is a difference between greif and REVENGE,, this is revenge,,and revenge never ever helped or brought back anyone,,,,whats that saying,,,,”venges is mine,” meaning there are something we humans have no rite to decide,,,like how much anyone should suffer in physical pain,,,Since no-one can physically feel the physical pain of another,,,then NO-ONE has this divine rite to decide who or how much we are to suffer,,No-one,,,but these laymen seem to feel they are mind readers and know the private medical history of all these patient,,and the dea once again knows how much to prescribe as dea agents???really,,,I don’t see 12 years of schooling behind them..Its just like Dr.Cheek said,,,they slander our doctors BEFORE trail in the press to contaminate the jurors pool,BEFORE trial,,and its working,,,all on our dime,,What ever happen’d to ,”informed consent,”’ As a free adult,,i can say no at any time to my doctors,,,that what responsible adults doo,,,mary

  6. As I have repeatedly said,and will continue to say, people need to take responsibility for their own actions. No matter what is prescribed most adults have enough smarts to know if what’s prescribed is unusual. I NEVER take a prescription without at least talking to the pharmacist and more often doing my own research. I am not willing to blindly trust anyone. Unless that doctor held a gun to the heads of their patients the patient has the responsibility to know what they are taking and to do so responsibly. We are no longer living in a time and place where it’s difficult to get access to information. Use your own brain, take responsibility for your own actions and quit placing all the blame for problems on someone else!

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