About SOS (SEA of SOULS) event https://linktr.ee/DocToks


Veteran and family been HOMELESS for ALMOST TWO MONTHS – Maryland area

Jillian S.Jillian S. • 2nd • 2nd That Veterans Wife🙋‍♀️ | Suicide Prevention ExpertThat Veterans Wife🙋‍♀️ | Suicide Prevention Expert We have been homeless since 12/19/23. Hotels are $100+ a night and isn’t a solution. My husband served in both Iraq and Afghanistan multiple times in combat roles. We lost all we had including our […]

Another CVS Pharmacy HORROR STORY

Back when most all State Pharmacy Practice Acts were codified into law, each pharmacy had to have a designated pharmacist as Pharmacist in Charge (PIC) and responsible to the board of pharmacy for making sure the pharmacy observed and adhered to the state’s Pharmacy Practice Act laws. Typically, since most pharmacies were independent pharmacies, the […]

Just because it is prohibited by Federal law doesn’t mean that the DOJ isn’t doing it

I have often heard politicians/bureaucrats say “No one is above the law”, but it seems the more appropriate phrase would be, “No one is above the law except those who are in charge of enforcing our laws” DATA is the NEW GOLD RUSH. This week, a graphic with text popped up on FB, and as […]

H.R. 485 – Protecting Healthcare for All Patients Act

Dear Fellow Americans, As a result of your efforts (calling and emailing your representatives in D.C. on February 7, 2024), Congress passed H.R. 485 – Protecting Healthcare for All Patients Act.  The passage of H.R 485 in the House is a positive step towards preserving the citizens interest in healthcare policy by prohibiting the usage of […]

Is it Rite Aid 2.0 or Bye-Bye Rite Aid

In 2017 Rite Aid had abt 4500 stores, in 2019 Rite Aid had a 20:1 REVERSE STOCK SPLIT which moved its stock that was < 1.00 up to in the low $30/share range.  Recently – pre-bankruptcy – the stock price was again < $1.  Anyone who owned Rite Aid stock when it officially declared bankruptcy, […]

CVS pharmacist’s death becomes cautionary tale of crushing stress at work

  CVS pharmacist’s death becomes a cautionary tale of crushing stress at work https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2024/02/08/cvs-pharmacist-ashleigh-anderson-death-rallying-cry/72406578007/ On the morning she died, Ashleigh Anderson researched her symptoms. Nausea. Jaw pain. Chest pain. Cold sweats. “I think I am having a heart attack,” the 41-year-old texted her longtime boyfriend from the CVS store in Seymour, Indiana, where she had […]

Emmalyn’s Journey – funding raising for her therapy

Former doctor:charged second-degree manslaughter: for witnessing the death of a woman, who had severe, chronic pain.

So this pt who had severe, chronic pain, was it because she could not find a practitioner who would properly treat her pain?  In the 2020 Presidential election Biden got 61% of the vote. In New York, abortion can/will be provided for up to 24 weeks and after that can still get an abortion if […]

An Ohio CVS store was a month behind on filling prescriptions. State regulators slapped it with a $250,000 fine

An Ohio CVS store was a month behind on filling prescriptions. State regulators slapped it with a $250,000 fine. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/an-ohio-cvs-store-was-a-month-behind-on-filling-prescriptions-state-regulators-slapped-it-with-a-250000-fine/ar-BB1hSTZ0 COLUMBUS, Ohio – State regulators fined a Canton CVS pharmacy $250,000 after discovering it was over a month behind in filling prescriptions, had closed the lobby to all customers not seeking vaccines and sent them […]