CBS News Appalling Coverage

This video is not only about the appalling coverage by CBS News but all major news outlets. I could just as easily of named Fox News, the Washington Post or even Andrea McCarren of WUSA Channel 9, Washington DC (another CBS affiliate) who has now blocked me on Tweeter for requesting her assistance in exposing these genocidal policies. Sadly they all REFUSE to contact me even after hundreds of emails, Tweets & even phone calls. America needs to know the truth. President Trump needs to know before he can help. Who among you are willing to spread the horror stories from coast to coast? Remember; just one second! One accident. One diagnosis. In just one second any of you can join us as the 100 million forgotten Americans left to suffer cruel and inhumane torture daily. Robert D. Rose Jr. BSW, MEd. USMC Semper Fidelis

7 Responses

  1. A supposed really adequate “study” of prescribed medication for those of us that WILL have continuous pain generation and overwhelming sensation for the rest of our lives, was authored and enforced by a VERY small “committee” , behind closed doors in Georgia. The CDC. A small committee, behind closed doors, without an adequate survey across the nation comprised of no physicians documentation or just spoken advice to the “policy” makers by doctors OR ANY patient reperesentatives. They certainly did not take any patient documentation of actual benefit from opiate/opioid medication used for pain management. NO….the “policy” or “guideline” for opioid prescribing physicians was written and decided what was going to be enforced, not just a recomemendation for them.. It was authored, enacted, enforced and continues to affect sooooooo many people that were managing life, to the best of each persons ability but, are now completely disabled. Those already disabled by continuous pain are now affected with mis management of appropriate pain management medication so life is becoming more impossible on a daily basis. Just a very, very small number of “experts” that authored a “policy” for ALL patients with simply intolerable, continuous pain. This “policy” was made without ANY consideration of collateral damage, fallout if you will from ANY patients………bar the “elect”.

  2. Dear Mr.R.Rose,I wrote my comment before listening to your video story.I am with you all the way.As a daughter of a now gone WWll vet,I deeply thank you for your service!I am a retired[obviously]Merchant Marine,and tho not part of U.S.armed forces,we are always on call to service and supply US Navy or any division of the military.Many hours of my life at sea,working on ship engines and tossing lines onto cleats,etc.A man’s job that a lot of women are doing these days,as I did.My dad’s father was with the MEBA for 57yrs,while I served with the SIU.GOD LOVE YOU AS A PATRIOT!!!Amen

  3. Me too!!!Or should I say,me one of 8 million USA loving Pres.Trump supporters who wakes up every day and 1.Praise Jesus 2.Grit my teeth as I sit up and ponder how to accomplish dozens of chores 3.Go out to shop then come home and sit for 2hrs.crying w/searing pain 4.Contemplate if I commit suicide,will I lose my salvation?{Scripture-“You are not your own,you were bought at a price”]A BIG price!Look out at my vegetable/flower garden that I barely chisled out of a 10×20 bit of earth,mostly produced by lying on my side or sitting.SSDI pays so little,I had to supplement food that way.$117.00 food stamps.Right.2 yrs.ago I could not get up from sitting on the ground.So much for a garden.Now I need a new hip.I’m 63 and a former pro athlete.What chronic pain does to your dignity and self worth is devastating.I wonder if they will slash my blood pressure me-Heartbroken and helpless.I really would rather be with Christ than endure this brutal indifference by the ‘authorities’L.Alligood

  4. Thanks for reaching out! I will help anyway I can, Mr. Rose! I am one of those chronic pain patients. I am unable to have surgery, and still i suffer! Shaking my damn head!

  5. I think when we write elected officials we should just ask them if their goal is to have all chronic pain patients die by some type of damage our chronic pain causes after years of suffering,, suicide, drug OD from street drugs just so they can give the rich another tax cut?

  6. Thank you for sharing this. I plan on calling Mr.Rose to let him know he has lots of support and that he deserves an important place in our advocacy efforts. What a shame this is.

  7. Thank you for a powerful manifesto

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