5 Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Why don’t we have a electronic tracking system of how much alcohol that people buys and places a limit on those purchases to conform to the CDC GUIDELINES ?  The use/abuse of alcohol is sufficient enough that 20% of the population is at least a BORDERLINE ALCOHOLIC and 85,000 people die annually from  this… and alcohol has no medicinal purpose. Maybe if we followed the money ???

Drinking too much alcohol can be a hazard to your health. Here are a few ways you can tell if you are indeed drinking too much. Also refusing field sobriety test could be a huge problem especially in some states.


Have you ever wondered if your drinking habit’s normal? Maybe you’re concerned that your drinking patterns have become unsafe. The Center for Disease Control sets standards for safe alcohol consumption. According to the recommendations, you fall within moderate guidelines if you’re a woman and you consume no more than one drink per day, or if you’re a guy and you consume more than two drinks per day.


How do you know that your drinking has become a problem? These are four red flags to look for. You drink more than is recommended on a regular basis, or your drinking habits have become excessive. For a woman, excessive drinking is defined as consuming four or more drinks on a single occasion. For a man, excessive drinking is five or more drinks on a single occasion. If you’ve experienced problems in your relationships due to drinking, maybe a loved one has expressed concern over your drinking habits. Or you’ve had problems keeping appointments or maintaining commitments due to your alcohol consumption.


You may have had to choose new friends or different lifestyles to support your drinking schedule. You’ve experienced changes to your health that may be due to alcohol. Drinking too much can lead to serious health consequences, such as liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, or cancer. You may experience less severe changes to your health at first. These might include poor sleep, unintentional injuries, blackouts, or even elevated blood pressure. You’re experiencing financial stress due to alcohol. Drinking too much can have a really big impact on your bank account. If you drink at a bar or restaurant, for example, your weekly budget may suffer. especially if you have to drink more to get your desired effect. Related expenses can take a toll as well. The average cost of a DUI can run between five to $12,000.


So what can you do when you think it’s time to make a change? A healthcare professional can definitely help you evaluate your drinking habits to decide the best course of action. You could also try reaching out to friends or family members for support. Either way, it’s important to address the issue before it becomes a bigger problem.

4 Responses

  1. Soon after the opioid prescribing “guidelines” the CDC issued guidelines about testing patients for the use of marijuana during routine drug testing. The CDC stated that patients should not be tested for marijuana with a couple of stipulations.

    Are pain management doctors taking this guideline as gospel like they did with the new opioid guidelines? Research shows that many patients are able to reduce their dosage of opioids when they also use marijuana. But it’s against the rules (and laws in some states) to use marijuana if one is in pain management. ::sighs:: And most patients will be fired from pain management if they test positive.

    Does anyone know where can I find more information about this? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Ummm…we tried that once and we learned that prohibition, as a public policy, is a dismal failure….or did we??? As it has been pointed out time and time ad nauseum…follow the money.

    • They wanted to do that with tobacco but knew prohibition wouldn’t work so they turned to loopholes allowing local ordinances to pass banning smoking raising taxes and ‘smoke shaming’ to get people to quit. Funny thing is then the states started griping about lack of revenues from cigarettes because smokers were decreasing….Duh!!!!

  3. Ha! Can you imagine if they did that with alcohol? People would be screaming in the streets. Funny thing is, the government makes too much revenue from the sale of alcohol to ever even think of doing that.

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