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CDC refuses responsibility in Chronic Pain Care – Opioid crisis
Posted on April 4, 2018 by Pharmaciststeve
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
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I am Long Term Chronic Pain, Severe Chronic Intractable Pain, Migraines, MS, & etc….Being Abandoned by my doctor & the CDC’s Involvment with taking Our Opioid Meds away has debiltated me almost completely I hold the CDC & DEA Responsible for all of this, & all the deaths that occuring because of this situation they created!! I Myself have been on that Ledge & can’t handle this much longer without My Pain Meds & it’s been 6 months now!! I WANT MY LIFE & QUALITY OF LIFE BACK!!!!!
What was the woman’s name giving the presentation?
Excellent! I’m so happy for you!
Our govt is currently in the midst of a HUGE cover up. It’s been proven that properly manged opioid medications do not have negative effects. The risk of overdose from acetaminophen is FAR greater and far more likely because the toxic dose is low and can cause liver failure.
A safer more responsible method of opioid use is to decriminalize and regulate. Then we know the proper dose, the quality, and what to watch for. The govt knows fully well that they have a huge responsibility in the suffering and deaths of chronic pain patients. The CDC, FDA, and all policy makers are lying to themselves and the American people.
People with addiction and chronic pain can live safely and normally on relatively high doses of opioids, function well, and have their lives restored. But FIRST all of the corrupt govt officials MUST GO!
I don’t know if you have heard what happened to me but I follow Dr Thomas Kline and I used his information and I took it to the top. I am going to be treated under palliative care agreement and continued on all the meds I have been taking for the last 24 years. I believe that the palliative care form is really going to help because of the fear so many doctors have because of the regulations that having a legitimate way to treat pain without fear of reprisal is pardon the pun but just what the doctor ordered.
What a joke! I wish I could have been there! What is the lady that spoke up, whst is her non profit??? I have been on fentanyl for 12 years and the same dose for the last 3 until Feb. 6, 2018. I was then abruptly dropped from 175 mcg every 48 hours to 75 every 72 hours! Overnight! No breakthrough, nothing for wirhdrawl! I am NOW bedridden and in pain 24/7. I had a pn mngmt appt last week, now all of a sudden my Dr. Hires a PA (First time in 13 years)….I had to see her…he didnt even have the guts to face me, even after I told them how horrific it has been since the abrupt change in my medication. This is inhumane and it is killng people every day. Please someone help us!!!
Next time call first, tell them that due to changes (don’t specify) you require an appt with the doctor. Record the call and get name, date, time of call. If they put you with the PA, don’t pay! But schedule with a new did first if you can.
I had to watch this over n over, you can see in her face, she doesn’t understand at all what is happening and the suffering they have caused, u can tell she trying to not take responsibility
the face of the enemy. defend yourselves. you have that right.
Wow, just wow. No concern for us whatsoever.
You’re right they don’t care and believe me they are sleeping just fine .That is why we have to care enough about ourselves and fight back. I refused to back down and realized that even though I didn’t think I had it in me to keep fighting I was wrong. As women and mothers if we just use a fraction of our instincts to protect and defend ourselves they won’t know what hit them.
I just need a lil more time because I’m gonna see that they pay. I’m recuperating slowly and painfully from 3 level acdf pain under treated from the moment i woke up. Thanks CDC for being responsible for the torture I’ve endured. If i had a personal assistant I would have already gotten the ball rolling but even just typing this comment with 1 finger causes severe pain.