Chance to let your voice to be heard

This showed up in my inbox today… this is from a staffer from a National Pharmacy Association that I have been a member of since 1983, only national pharmacy association that I have been a member of. 

Hi Steve,

We’ve been contacted by a reporter who is looking into increasing rates of prescription drugs, particularly painkillers, that are lost or stolen during shipment, typically via mail. Can you think of any patients who have voiced such experiences, either via your blog or directly to you?

The reporter wishes to keep it somewhat discreet for now but agreed to let me contact some patient advocates like you for patient leads in hopes of interviewing some people.

Feel free to have anyone contact me and I can forward along to the reporter. It seems like a good opportunity to highlight patient access issues in the chronic pain area. Thanks for your time and consideration.



Kevin Schweers

Senior Vice President, Public Affairs

National Community Pharmacists Association

(703) 838-2682

The National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA®) represents the interests of America’s community pharmacists, including the owners of more than 22,000 independent community pharmacies. Together they represent an $81.5 billion health care marketplace and employ more than 250,000 individuals on a full or part-time basis. To learn more, go to, visit, or follow NCPA on Twitter @Commpharmacy.

One Response

  1. I refuse to have prescriptions shipped to me for that very reason! While I haven’t had medication lost in shipping I have started having prescriptions for any controlled substance counted in front of me because of issues with shortages in the bottles I pick up! Contact me if I can help. Peace Connie.

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