“CIA are drug smugglers.” – Head of DEA said this too late for Gary Webb

Michael Levine’s Triangle of Death, now out there in eBook format!

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60 Minutes presses for the reality, and Robert C. Bonner, former federal decide and head of the DEA, calls the CIA “drug smugglers.” This video is devoted to all these lives misplaced within the War on Drugs, whereas the CIA betrayed us.

Deep Cover is now out there on Kindle right here:http://goo.gl/DrfPM
THE BIG WHITE LIE can also be out there in eBook format on the hyperlinks under:

Amazon Kindle: http://goo.gl/OKpxl
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3 Responses

  1. Consider this: John F Kennedy suffered adhesive arachnoiditis, and needed to be on morphine throughout his service in the Congress and the White House. But as President, he led a UN effort to ration opium poppy production. The driving concern was that the Soviet Union was stockpiling opium, anticipating their future needs in case of a major war. Stop the stockpiling, stop a war? Net result was that the Soviets took control of a big chunk of Laos, using North Vietnam as a proxy power, and continued stockpiling. To support the covert war effort in Laos, an overt war was carried on in Vietnam. Net result: Almost nobody was told a truthful explanation of why the US was fighting a war in Vietnam.

    Russia has a lousy climate for cultivating poppy plants and has to import morphine and codeine. In a major war, these pain meds are needed to treat the thousands of wounded soldiers. Nazi Germany faced the same problem in World War II, and dealt with it by inventing the synthetic opioid Methadone.

    What the Nixon Administration seems to have accomplished by pushing Methadone Maintenance Therapy for heroin addicts, was to re-create Nazi Germany’s Methadone industry and move it here. And what actually needed to be done, was build a domestic poppy industry to supply medicinal needs for morphine and codeine.

    • Further to my last, some speculation here that involves records presently Top Secret, that a reform minded President might de-classify: It is known that PLO founder Yasser Arafat blackmailed the German government by invading the 1972 Munich Olympics and kidnapping Israeli athletes for ransom, who were killed later that day. It more recently came out that the French government gave in to the 1972 threat, reaching an accord with Arafat, that agreed no terrorist murders would take place on French soil, if France allowed Arafat’s operatives to bypass French customs without inspection of any baggage they were carrying. Drugs, money, guns, ammunition, poison gas…all could be transported through France back and forth to PLO camps in Lebanon with no questions asked. Heroin shipments to the US and much of Europe soon began traveling through France, initially from Laos but later from Iran. When civil war broke out in Lebanon, the Bekaa Valley got planted up in poppies and the heroin began moving by yacht and Learjet from Beirut to Marseille…thence globally.

      Key policy question to ask, is did some Harvard-educated goofball working in Foggy Bottom, make a wild guess that cocaine was a substitute for heroin? And decide to grow the cocaine business in hopes of starving the Mideast terrorism business of revenue? Because if anybody was reading what the scientists at NIDA were learning, boy would that have been a dumb guess! We can’t learn whether such a policy discussion ever took place, until records of it are declassified.

      It’s obvious in retrospect that Portugal had the right idea: Legalize all the drugs and let the courts sort out the disputes over their safety. Competition brings down the prices.

  2. I know the cia pulled this kinda crap in the 1970 down in South America,,,sooo it would not surprise me at all,,,there still up to their corruption on tax payers dimes….maryw

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