Cold – Heartless – BITCH !

This is a bit – off topic – but it has to do with DENIAL OF CARE/SERVICES… we are seeing it now with the DEA “twisting the arm” of chains in the who gets controlled meds.. and placing obstacles in the way of legit patients getting their meds.. while trying to stop the 5% of  people that would abuse substances… any substances !


I bet that if this little 10 y/o girl, who has weeks to live, without a lung transplant .. was Sebelius’ daughter or granddaughter… all the rules would be bent/broken to make the transplant happen.

but since it is not… she is dragging her feet and doing the typical bureaucratic “dance”.. all of this is over the fact that the “rules” states that a person must be 12 y/o to qualify for an “adult lung”… where as … a pediatric lung is seldom available for transplant…

And this is the person who is going to be in charge of OBAMACARE … just hope that you don’t get sick.. when she is in charge !

Is this a foresight into how care is going to be parsed out under Obamacare … BY THE NUMBERS !

From the article:

House Republicans on Tuesday pressed the country’s top health official to cut through the government red tape in order to let a dying child have a chance at getting a lung transplant, as Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius continued to argue that the situation is “difficult.” 

Sebelius, ultimately, did not say what the government would do in the high-profile case of 10-year-old Sarah Murnaghan, who is dying from cystic fibrosis but cannot get an adult lung until they are offered first to adult patients. According to federal policy, the minimum age for her to be on the adult list is 12.

Georgia Republican Rep. Tom Price, a doctor, told Sebelius that he understands the federal policy and appreciates her sympathy about the situation. But, he said, she can save the child’s life by “signing a paper.

Sebelius also repeated what she has said in recent days — that she has asked for a review of the policy. 

Republicans at the hearing also got support for Pennsylvania GOP Rep. Patrick Meehan, a former U.S. attorney, who said his review of federal policy shows Sebelius could a make the exception “without upsetting precedent or violating the consistency of allocation policy.”

3 Responses

  1. I believe the medical basis is that most adult lungs will be a difficult fit for a child. If that is not a sound basis I would like to hear some facts to back that up besides her being a child or an adult who is at the top of the list will lose his spot to the arbitrary decision of this judge.

  2. @Bluetowelboy.. other reports stated that this young girl would have been FIRST on the adult lung transplant list.. if she was < 24 months older.. The decision was not based on the person that was the best candidate for the donated lung.. it was based purely on a arbitrary age cut off... Reportedly there are some 7 K+ on the adult list and 30 on the ped list.. It was not about moving anyone UP THE LIST.. but allowing EVERYONE to have access to donated lungs.. based on their medical need and if the donated lungs are appropriate for the particular person to receive. Don't you think that medical decisions should be made on a individual basis.. and not some arbitrary "line drawn in the sand " ?

  3. I typically am a bleeding heart liberal and the death of a 10 year old for any reason makes me sick. That being said, are you going to be the person to deny a lung transplant to an adult that is dying and would be a good fit for an adult lung because it makes us more sad to see a kid die than an adult. If it was my kid sure I would want the rules changed but those rules are put there for a reason. Should we break other rules of the transplant program as well? How about we move people up the list if they make more money than other people on he list. Those people are obviously more productive members of society and should have first dibs.

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