Comment on Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Market Stabilization

Comment on Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Market Stabilization

Proposed Rule Does not Consider Impacts on Pain Patients

People living with pain, including you or your loved ones, are constantly learning of new policies, proposals and guidelines relating to the nation’s healthcare system. Unfortunately, such reform or recommendations are made too quickly and without regard for the chronic pain community.

U.S. Pain Foundation is a member of the I Am Essential coalition, a broad group of patient and community organizations representing millions of patients and their families. We support access and coverage for healthcare needs of individuals living with chronic conditions and disabilities.

Fellow coalition member, The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) drafted a sign-on letter and a template that we can submit to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, in response to its Marketplace Stabilization Proposed Rule.

The proposed changes address issuers’ business concerns, but fails to create protections for pain patients if some of those measurements are implemented. That’s why U.S. Pain has signed the I Am Essential sign-on letter.

Now, we’re turning to our pain ambassadors, advocates and volunteers to submit ACS-CAN’s pre-written letter to the HHS today, as the deadline to submit public comments is tomorrow (Tuesday, March 7th).

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