Computer crashed and burned

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Yesterday… about mid afternoon… my computer just decided to self destruct… This is only the second time in all my decades of using computers that I had to seek “professional help” to put my computer back together… Off to Best Buy today and Geek Squad to the rescue… According to them .. .they have seen a “rash” of “C drives” just self destructing – at least the OS on the drive…they suspect that a update from Windows or Dell… has been sent out.. and they are not saying anything about how their little “bug” has trashed computer’s OS.

The good and bad of it for me… my computer has a solid state C DRIVE and all my data was on a old reliable typical hard drive labeled as “D”… but all the programs had to be downloaded and reinstalled and change their default configurations to my liking… – the ones that I could remember was on the system… I will probably be finding “missing” programs for weeks going forward.. when I need to do something.

If my blog seems rather “silent” over the next few days or I don’t get to your email for a few days… I am not intentionally ignoring anyone…

5 Responses

  1. Bummer! Hope everything goes good!

  2. Oh Wow. Sorry to hear about that Steve. Thanks for the heads up on what happened.
    I very been lucky for quite awhile but I’ve had Serious problems in the past and I know how much that sucks. Seems these days we have to pay tech companies to fix these devices, least I do. Lol We’re not tech savvy at my house. I pay just under $200 a year for all sorts malware, virus and tech service.
    See you back online soon.
    We love you and your great information!

  3. We love you Steve!

  4. We will be patiently waiting!

  5. I hate when that happens,,,good luck,,,maryw

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