Filed under: General Problems
Conspiracy Theory… or… VIDEO WORTH A MILLION WORDS ?
Posted on September 13, 2016 by Pharmaciststeve
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
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Just another reason to vote Gary Johnson. DJT is not the answer any neither is Mike Pence. It’s time that America as a whole kicks the REP. & DEM. parties out of DC entirely and start thinking about 3rd and 4th party solutions. All the 2 major parties have succeeded in doing over the past 40 years is further interests of Wall Street executives and leave the poor, broken and financially burdened population behind. Wall Street and the Auto industry got bailed out using our hard earned tax dollars. We are involved in several wars that we should no longer be in and now the people in pain have become the next target for government coruption. I don’t believe a lot of the stories circulating the news and the Internet but I do believe factual evidence. Hillary may have Parkinsons but I’m positive that Trump has mouth talking shit syndrome. Both these candidates would not only be detrimental to our country but totally destructive to the pain community. Those who recieve political poll phone calls need to start saying they are voting for Johnson if for anything else just to get him into the debates. Let’s hear what he has to say because the personal attacks against each other in our #1 & #2 political parties just show how in mature and self serving they have become.
This is truly scary. This needs to be made public. Having Parkinson’s is not her fault, and deserves compassion, but we can’t have a President that’s this impaired! OMG
Who is pulling the strings?
Seriously? Try George Soros and the media…
Why isn’t Wikileaks getting this out there?
I feel bad for Her but then again she said raise the taxes on pain medicine . Obviously she gives a rats ass about people in chronic pain .