Walgreens Tells its Customers to Consider Medical Cannabis
Chris Male of Anslinger Capital shared something today with our almost 4000 member LinkedIn group, Cannabis Investors & Entrepreneurs, that was just too good to be true. I dismissed it incorrectly as fake news, but indeed it is true: Walgreens (NASDAQ: WBA) sent out a blast email on April 26th discussing medical cannabis. The piece, “What is Medical Marijuana? Clarifying Clinical Cannabis“, was written by Dahlia Sultan, PharmD, Resident Pharmacist, Walgreens and the University of Illinois at Chicago.
She shares basic information about medical cannabis that won’t be surprising to those who are familiar with the potential medical benefits, but it actually suggested that those wanting more information should “talk to your doctor”.
If you’d like more information about the use of medical marijuana, talk with your doctor.
I can’t recall any S&P 500 company ever sharing such a supportive view, especially one that is involved in the lives of so many people who count on it for advice on health and wellness. Sultan also calls out many medical conditions for which medical cannabis may be appropriate, including cancer pain management, Parkinson’s, Tourette’s Syndrome, Alzheimer’s, Schizophrenia, Cardiovascular disorders, palliative care and Glaucoma. Wow!
Interestingly, while most people consider smoking to be the most common method, as the article acknowledges, Sultan points to alternative delivery systems, including capsules, vaporization, liquid extracts and edibles. She points to potential side effects like dizziness and short-term memory loss, but she concludes with advice on how to get a prescription. Again, I have to say wow! Pharmacies in Canada have expressed a desire to get involved in the country’s medical cannabis program. Is Walgreens smelling a huge opportunity?
Filed under: General Problems
Heck, when is it time to buy WALL-HAGS stock ? I want in the $$
Is it time to buy theif stock yet ?
Fer Sure Walgreens Dude !
Yep…Walgreens smells money and the color of money is green….as in green as a bullfrog and sticky as glue. I believe that I’ve stated in this space before that I think the whole opiophobia is the DEA being proactive. Their number one source of funding, as I understand it, is from civil asset seizure related to enforcing the prohibition of cannabis. The annual congressional appropriation fr the DEA pales in comparison to the amount that cannabis related enforcement activities produces. Cannabis is about to go from a prohibited pharmaceutica non grata to legal and socially acceptable and there goes the DEA’s raison d’être, in terms of the number of employees and contractors. They have to justify their public corporate existence and what better way to do so than to go after the low hanging, defenseless fruit that is the chronic pain patient and a relatively few number of true addicts. Of course the CDC and the FDA are their chorus, their cheerleaders. Now I may be wrong, but only in the sense that I’m not 100% correct about this,that perhaps I’m missing soam additional details and have a few other lesser, minor details incorrect. I’m fairly confident that I have correctly assessed the big picture here.
Of course the state and local law enforcement cadres, their brothers in the the prison/correctional-industrial complex and the attorney’s on either side in the criminal justice industry industry are kind of on their own. They’ll have to adapt and find new ways to justify their existence. The productive sector, aka the private sector, will adapt and continue in other areas in this changing paradigm. Those in the public sector…not so much. They’ll rely on their legislative benefactors to create new excuses to shake down and lock up the average mundane by creating whole new, broad classes of offenses that society needs to be protected from.
At some point, we the mundanes will have had enough. It will happen. It always does. History is a testament to this never-ending cycle that is the State. Statist societies rise, they fall, they are resurrected in a “new and improved” form, or so the advertisement byline goes, wash rinse, repeat. In our case, the “when” is the only uncertain factor. As Roger Daltrey sang about 45 years ago, “Meet the new boss…same as the old boss.”