Dr. Sanjay Gupta is here to answer your questions. https://cnn.it/2HnWeuY “Weed 4: Pot vs. Pills” premieres Sunday night at 8pET on CNN.
Filed under: General Problems
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
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Dr. Sanjay Gupta is here to answer your questions. https://cnn.it/2HnWeuY “Weed 4: Pot vs. Pills” premieres Sunday night at 8pET on CNN.
Filed under: General Problems
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I agree JB and Mary. One size, One thing doesn’t fit all. I believe that some people want marijuana legalized so badly that they will claim it’s the cure for relief of chronic pain while they never really had real chronic pain to begin with. Not that MJ doesn’t have some medicinal uses but it certainly doesn’t relieve Serious pain conditions.
Opioids have relieved pain forever. Doctor’s in states where MJ is legal, We don’t see hospitals grabbing for Marinol or CBD oil in trama situations or for any pain. Do we? No.
Short answer NO,,, for never was a epidemic,,,Just our unlawful government regime not accepting pain management as thee acceptable form of treatment of the medically ill in physical pain ,either acute,,or chronic..Some Doctors refusing to acknowledge that our government is corrupted,,,Some doctors refusing to acknowledge that THEIR MISTAKE as caused another human being a life time of physical pain,,Some doctors refusing to accept not everything will ,”heal,”Some really corrupt insurance companies along w/some Doc seeing the so-called financial benefits to them if physical pain was eliminated from the medical language.All shrinks seeing the financial benefit of deeming everyone on earth addict’s,,All lawyers who have no moral,humane ethics along w/our politicians,,,The biggest for me,,is the refusal of our government lawfully adhering to the definition of torture/genocide,,,,Basically allowing our government to say there guilt only if they say they are,,,There NEVER WAS A EPIDEMIC,,,JUST INHUMANE SOB’S WHO THINK THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO DECIDE WHO FORCIBLE SUFFERS IN PHYSICAL PAIN,,AND WHO DOES NOT,,WHEN IT IS LITERALLY A IMPOSSIBILITY FOR ANYONE TO PHYSICALLY FEEL THE PHYSICAL PAIN OF ANOTHER,,ANOTHERWARDS PSYCHOPATHS BELIEVING THEY OUR GOD,,JUDGE, JURRY, AND EXECUTIONERS OF THE MEDICALLY ILL IN FORCED PHYSICAL PAIN FROM MEDICAL CONDITIONS!!!,,,Maryw
I totally agree with JB. Could never hack that stuff…
Just like everything else in this world, 1 of anything doesn’t fit all. I can’t take weed. It messes with my anti-depressant. Makes my brain get these brain zaps. So I hope they don’t think this is a cure-all. Plus, if you drive a vehicle, you are 100 times more likely to get into an accident on that stuff. Leave my pain to the pills. It works.