3 Responses

  1. I feel like the wheels of change may turn slow but I see this helping our case. Maybe we can get lucky and change can happen as fast as the world just turned against Flash Bang Biden. Maybe the top DEA dogs will watch in horror at what is about to happen to the Secret Service top dog and decide to reign it in. I have hope but aint holding my breath.

  2. This is the best news ever! I’ve waited for the Med Beds for years! I can’t wait to see how it feels to FUNCTION properly and without terrible pain when I walk or bend over No meds to depend on or withdrawals when we’re not ALLOWED to have any. Crazy Disaster they’ve brought us to.

    Do NOT go to a Drill Mill. I has to sign the contract every year to receive any mini doses of pain meds. The forced (coerced) procedures have done much damage to my spine. I can’t believe it, until I get up every morning Hard getting downstairs every morning.

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