Should Clinicians Be Liable for Patient Suicide After Failing to Prescribe Pain Medications?
Another person made the following comment on that blog post
Pain Psychologist and Attorney
They absolutely should, and the facts presented demonstrate a clear violation of the standard of care. Unfortunately, opiate hysteria and the ill advised MDL have spawned a number of so-called experts who will gladly line their pockets as they have in criminal cases against prescribers. Medical negligence cases, when tried, are battle of the experts. The “experts” who supported the opiate litigation and have an income stream from DEA enforcement actions will no doubt work to hopeless and confuse a jury.
Steve Ariens,P.D.
Chronic Pain Management Consultant
I asked this person the following question:
putting your “attorney hat” on, why is no attorney interested in pursuing large healthcare corporations that instruct their employee prescribers to limit opioid therapy to the MME system – which has no double-blind clinical studies to support their conclusions and/or when pts’ opioid meds are cut and the pt’s blood pressure goes to hypertensive crisis level – because their elevated pain level – and they do nothing and/or put the pt on 4 different categories of BP meds and their BP doesn’t lower because their under/untreated pain apparently uses a different pathway to cause the elevated blood pressure, but the pt is still at risk for heart attacks, strokes, kidney and eye damage. The attached graphic shows all the health complications of under/untreated pain for a patient. Doesn’t this describe intentional malpractice and known harm to pts?
Pain Psychologist and Attorney RESPONSE:
the cynical answer, which I’m afraid is the truth, is that the world of class action/mass tort lawyers are heavily invested in the false narrative that they played a major role in advancing. All of this is part and parcel of the same problem. The entire narrative is built on demonizing prescription opiates. Doing the right thing and admitting that they were wrong and to try to rectify the situation like likely creates too much cognitive dissonance.
Now the community knows why they can’t get any attorney to go after a healthcare corporation or prescriber for denial of care and/or intentionally put some pts in a torturous level of pain!
Filed under: General Problems
[…] Could this be why no one can get a law firm to sue medical care deniers […]
I believe that the medical providers And our government itself Should be held liable for the suicide’s, inhumane torture among other things. I Know we can’t sue the government, but Something Needs to be done to correct their Massive screwups! I’ve been playing the same game with high blood pressure from my 4 failed spinal surgeries, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Permeant nerve damage that has spread to the point of effecting other nerves that were not an issue before. Yes, I Absolutely suffer Tremendously as do my children because of my now shortcomings! That’s the part that really makes me mad is my children having to be effected because of what I’m being Forced to go through. I am not able to die because it would Deviate them. So I continue to suffer! I even tried to go to the methadone clinics and they just say that I’m “Not an addict, so they can’t help me!”! Where does this leave people like myself?! Thank you
Thanks for saying the quiet part out loud
These attorneys could stand up for us and for many, could help in saving lives……